College/Career Resources

ACT/SAT Online Resources

Peterson's Education Portal

Search for colleges; prep for SAT, ACT, AP, CLEP, financial aid, admissions essay help, resumé services.

College Board

SAT registration; career investigation; SAT question of the day; scholarship search

ACT Academy

Official ACT Free Online Prep

SAT Prep - Khan Academy

Official SAT Free Online Prep

March 2 Success

Website sponsored by U.S. Army to provide test practice for SAT and ACT

Free test practice for ACT & SAT

4Tests .com

Free test practice for ACT & SAT

Career Exploration

Career exploration is an important part of preparing for your future! Determining a career path can help students choose relevant high school courses and narrow college options. When investigating careers, students should consider academic strengths and interests as well as personal goals and values.

College Resources

College Textbooks 101

A great resource to guide you in your quest to save money on textbooks for college classes. LISD gives a special thanks to Bill Coleman for sharing his experience with us.


Fastweb can match you up with thousands of scholarship opportunities; database is updated daily

College Admission Tips & Checklists

This set of documents includes college admission essay examples, tips and checklists for college admissions, and other resources compiled by our counselors.

Gives you information on numerous scholarships and funding sources

Released Tests (from TEA)

practice tests for TAKs—all grade levels and all subject areas

NCAA Eligibility Center

high school athletes who anticipate participating in college athletics should register at this website

FAFSA on the Web (US Dept. of Education)

Complete the FAFSA online beginning in January of the senior year in order to obtain financial aid for college

Seniors & parents should go online now to establish separate PIN numbers for use in completing the FAFSA in January

Easy access to all state universitites; contact info, application deadlines, scholarship information; direct link to the Common Application for the state of Texas

College For All Texans

Everything a Texan need to know about preparing for, applying to and paying for college or technical school.

eCampus Tours

An inside look at over 1,000 different colleges; virtual tours

Higher Education Coordinating Board

click on Universities & Health Related Institutions, then click on Texas Public Universities; a wealth of information about state supported schools

Test Prep Review

Free test preparation for ACT, SAT, ACCUPLACER, CLEP, THEA ( Outstanding site)