Gae Connally

Reading Specialist, MRT

Contact Information:

Email Address:

Phone Number: 254-857-8909

Remind Notifications:

Twitter Handle: ConnallyLisd

Daily Schedule:

7:40-8:00 2nd LR

8:00-8:25 1st GAP

8:25-8:45 1st LR

8:45-9:25 2nd Dyslexia

9:25-10:05 2nd Dyslexia

10:05-10:25 2nd LR

10:25-10:45 2nd LR

10:45-11:05 1st LR

11:05-11:30 K Dyslexia

11:30-12:00 Lunch

12:00-12:45 Conference

12:45-1:05 K LR

1:05-1:25 K LR

1:25-2:00 2nd Dyslexia

2:00-2:25 1st Dyslexia

2:25-3:05 1st Dyslexia

3:05-3:45 Duty & Planning

About Me

I am blessed to teach reading at Lorena Primary School! My passion is helping students learn to read and love to read. I have been teaching for 34 years with 33 of those years as a reading specialist. I am a trained Reading Recovery teacher, Master Reading Teacher and have training in dyslexia assessment and intervention. Thank you to the parents of my students for the privilege of teaching your children!


Find good information about dyslexia:

Bright Solutions for Dyslexia, Inc.