Class Information


 German I/II/III/IV

Syllabus 2023-2024

Teacher: Charles Knörr

Room # 310


-Language Goals (by the end of the school year)

*German I students will be able to communicate (read, write, listen, speak) on a mid novice to  high novice level.

*German II students will be able to communicate (read, write, listen, speak) on a high novice to low - mid  intermediate level.

*German III students will be able to communicate (read, write, listen, speak) on a low  intermediate to mid - high intermediate level.

*German IV  students will be able to communicate (read, write, listen, speak) on a mid intermediate to low  - mid high level.

-Guidelines for Success

*Have a positive attitude.

*Participate in all activities on a regular basis.

*Seek extra help when needed.

****Communicate with your teacher.

-Classroom Rules

*You have chosen this class as an elective.  There will be no tolerance for disruptive behavior.

*Follow all COVID 19 guidelines (if needed).

*Respect yourself and others.

*Bring materials to class daily.

*Be prepared to work when the bell rings.

*Water bottles only (no other food or drinks).


*Role Play

*Listening activities

*Reading and writing activities

*Oral proficiency exercises


-Grades (On Level Courses)

Major Grades-60%               Minor grades-40%          

Examples of minor grades may include, but are not limited to, the following: homework, weekly notebook checks, quizzes (pop), warm-ups, worksheets, vocabulary, short essays, short presentations, cooperative learning group work, mini-assessments, etc.  Minor grades are primarily based on the student’s practice of academic skills.

Examples of major grades may include, but are not limited to, the following:  projects, major papers, major tests, presentations, unit tests, unit projects, 6 week tests, etc. Major grades measure a student’s academic achievement.

-Classroom Procedures

-Entering the Classroom

Cell phones need to be turned off and placed in designated phone caddies. Students should sit in their seats and prepare for class. No horse playing!!

-Tardy to Class

Students must be inside the classroom when the bell rings.

-Ending Class

Students shall remain in their seat until dismissed by the bell/teacher.


It is your responsibility to find out what you missed due to an absence.

*Communication with Parents or Guardians 

*Check Google Classroom for study material (several times a day)

Consequences for Classroom Rule Violations

*Notify parent


*Referral to principal

Class Materials

*chromebook (charged)

*black or blue pen


*coloring pencils

*spiral notebook (no composition notebooks)

*tissues (1 box)

Expectations & Procedures

See Syllabus

Grading policy

See Syllabus
