Alex Vaughan


Información básica:


Phone Number: (254) 857 - 4604

Office Hours:  4A & 2B

Remind:  Español I  - @c7c6e9

Español III - @3e2ca4

Horario (M/W):

1A, C:  Español I

2A, C:  Español I

3A, C:  Lunch Duty

4A, C:  Conference

Horario (T/Th):

1B, 5C:  Español III

2B, 6C:  Conference

3B, 7C:  Español I

4B, 8C:  Español I


Please refer to PowerSchool for updated information about assignment deadlines and assessment dates.  If you need help with your PowerSchool parent login, please contact the high school office.