Mrs. Czapkay's Website

Welcome to 3rd grade!

We have an exciting year ahead of us and this year promises to be both fun and a lot of work. Literacy is a big focus in third grade, and we are looking forward to helping students find that love of reading! Our Language Arts and Math programs are aligned with the Common Core. In addition, we have integrated the International Baccalaureate (IB) program into all aspects of our day.

We begin each day with our Morning Meeting in order to promote a community of caring and respectful learners. We focus on more independence, perseverance, and beginning organizational skills with a planner and binder.

I look forward to collaborating with you in order to help make your child’s year as successful as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact me!

I am so excited about this upcoming year and look forward to working with your child on a daily basis. My hope is that your child has a memorable year. So, hang on for a wild ride and a wonderful, hard working, fun filled new school year!

Keep moving FORWARD, opening new DOORS

and doing NEW things, your curiosity will lead YOU

down the PATH of SUCCESS

-Walt Disney