Team C

Contact information

Welcome to the Junior High School and to Team C!

Dear Parents/Guardians,

You may be wondering, what is Team C? Team C consists of the core teachers your child will be taught by this year. Your Team C core teachers are: Math- Mrs. Franco, English- Mr. Jones ; Science- Mrs. Jeneal Crenshaw; Social Studies- Mr. Edwards.

We are looking forward to an exciting year. As can be expected, there will be lots of challenging work to do this year but lots of fun too. We have high expectations of our students and solicit your support in helping your child achieve success.

Below we have provided email addresses for best contact as well as requirements for each teacher. There will perhaps be other minor specifics each teacher may have later but please make note of the following instructions, supplies, etc. required as we begin the new school year. We hope to meet you on Open House night, September 26th!

MATH - Mrs. Franco Email:


ENGLISH- Mr. Jones Email:


SOCIAL STUDIES- Mr. Edwards Email:

Info. to be given on first day.


SCIENCE- Mrs. Crenshaw Email:

All of my lessons, homework assignments, review material and important posting can be found on my website,

Supplies: 1 inch binder with two folders and dividers, pencils, pens, highlighters, earbuds and post its .