Forecasting for Next Year's Classes

Be prepared for your upcoming year.

1. Be familiar with graduation requirements for your class - completing a credit check form is a good place to start when choosing classes.

2. Be thinking about your future career goals and current interests and think of classes you can take that relate to those goals and interests.

3. If you have questions or concerns about what classes you need or if you believe you may be credit deficient, contact your counselor.


When forecasting for next year, students and parents should keep in mind the following:

1. All courses and programs offered are based on adequate funding.

2. All courses offered are dependent upon enrollment. If an insufficient number of students request a course it will not be taught.

3. Please make course selections carefully as courses offered are based on students requests- changing schedules later can prove to be difficult due to class availability.

4. Pay careful attention while choosing classes and looking through the course catalog - some classes are offered at Mark Morris High School, Discovery High School, or Monticello Middle School. You will need to ride the shuttle to Mark Morris if you sign up for classes offered at Mark Morris.

Forecasting is closed at this time - check in with your counselor to discuss your current or future schedule.