Welcome to Ms. Pantuosco's Class



Dear Third Graders and Families,


    Welcome to third grade! I hope you had a nice summer and are ready for an exciting year at Center. I can’t wait to hear about the fun things you’ve been up to.


        This summer I spent a lot of time at the beach with my husband and four children, worked a few weeks at my family’s soccer camp and enjoyed some Fourth of July fireworks. Did you do any fun activities? Did you go somewhere special? Try to take a moment and think of a few memories from your summer that you’ll be ready to share. It’s going to be hard for me to choose just one!


        I also enjoyed having some down time to read over summer break. I’ve recently read a few Stella Batts books with my kids as well as several other books on my own. Did you read any good books this summer? What is your favorite book? Our classroom library is filled with many new books. I wonder which one you’ll choose?


        In an effort to capture all the “amazing” things you did over the summer, and will continue to do throughout the school year, I’m asking that you bring a picture to school that shows something “amazing” you did over the summer. I have a sign in the hallway that says ‘Welcome Amazing Things Happen Here” where we’ll hang up the pictures and add to it as we do more “amazing” things.


Here are some first day of school reminders:


·      The first day of school is Tuesday August 27h. Please look for me on the playground at 8:25am. There will be a sign with my name on it.

·      Please bring a snack and lunch (unless you are buying it).

·      Everyone should have a reusable water bottle.

·      I’d like you to bring in a book of your choice that you can read on your own.

·      Please bring in a picture of something “amazing” you did over the summer.

·      The only school supply needed is a twist top hand-held pencil sharpener.

·      Please send in a check for $8.00 made out to Center School for the Scholastic News subscription.

·      Dismissal will be at 2:45 and we will exit from the front of the school. Please email me and let me know if your child will typically walk, bike, use carline or go to an after-school program.




You’re always welcome to email me if you have any questions. I’ll continue to email a weekly newsletter that serves as a week in review and to alert you of any upcoming news and events. Your child will bring home a folder that will have a pocket for items that can stay at home and one for items that should be returned to school. Students will continue to write assignments down in their agendas and will be bringing it back and forth every day. The expectation is that students read for 25 minutes on their own and study math facts every night.


Please take a minute and look through my website. Be sure to click on and read the “Center School Family Guide” link and email me if you have any questions.





See you all Tuesday,


Ms. Pantuosco



