Week of June 3rd:

Wow, the play was incredible! Well done everyone:)

Tuesday please be at school for 8:20 for our walking trip to Laurel Pond. Wear old sneakers and bring another pair of sneakers for PE in case your shoes get wet.

This week we need to finish our academics and work hard.

Math: Unit 6 Assessment Wednesday. Use the "Home Connection" review paper to practice. (I forgot to give it to you- we will do it Tuesday)

Science: Unit Test Friday: Use your notebook and the Study Guide to prepare for the test.

Poetry: Poetry Cafe is Friday at 1:45. All families are welcome for our poetry reading.  Students work on finishing their poems and illustrations this week.

National Park: Research will be done at school.

All Chromebooks and chargers will be collected on June 7th for the summer.

Week of May 6th: 

May 8th: Bike or roll to school day:)

Math: We are learning the Partial Quotients Strategy for division. In my Google Classroom there is a video of this Strategy. We will learn the long division algorithm later this week, then students may choose which method they prefer.

Complete the practice papers this week: skills include multiplication, area, perimeter, and division. We have MCAS next week so these are good to do to keep our math brains learning:)

Finding Nemo: Practice, practice, practice your lines with expression & volume. Sing the songs and visualize the movements in your mind. Songs can be found in my Google Classroom or in Music's Classroom.

Reading: Relax and enjoy at home reading- 25 minutes per day.

Week of April 1st:

Wednesday, April 3rd: Order from Frankie's Pizza in Longmeadow and tell them "Center School", 10% of the proceeds will be donated towards or play.

Math: Lines, shapes, and symmetry practice papers are due by Friday. Please keep the beige vocabulary paper at home and study the terms and their definitions for this Math Unit. Please use a ruler and complete your homework neatly.

Social Studies: Please complete the "Family Immigration Interview" By this Friday. You may interview a family member, a family friend,  or someone that you want to learn more about their family "arrival" story to the United States. Be sure to get as many details as you can.

Reading: Read for pleasure this week. 25 + minutes a night- any type of reading that you choose.

At this point in the school year Weekly Reading Logs are optional. I have plenty of copies so if you need one just let me know.

PE:  Our school just kicked off the American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge! Students and staff are excited to care for their hearts and minds, help kids with special hearts and learn lifesaving Hands-Only CPR! Our event is the week of March 25th-April 12th during PE classes. If you haven’t joined our Kids Heart Challenge team yet, get started today! We need your help to reach our goal of 100% of families completing Finn’s Mission!

 Here’s how you can register your student:

·       Click to Register:  Center Elementary Web Page

Week of March 25th:

Reminder there is NO School on Friday this week.

FYI: We are looking for donations of flat pieces of cardboard- pretty decent in size for play props.

Social Studies: Please complete the "Family Immigration Interview" by next week. You may interview a family member, a family friend, someone that you want to learn more about their family "arrival" story to the United States. Be sure to get as many details as you can.

Math: 🔢 Listen to the "Types of Lines" song in Google Classroom. 

Practice your multiplication facts in any way you would like this week.

Reading: Read for pleasure this week. 25 + minutes a night- any type of reading that you choose.

Week of March 18th:

Math: 🔢  Area, perimeter, and angles practice papers due by Friday.

Remember interior angles are on the inside of the shape. Think about the pattern blocks we used in class to find and add angle measures.

Reading: Read for pleasure this week. 25 + minutes a night- any type of reading that you choose.

Word Work: 

Look for these words this week:

Bend III words: irritate, startle, commotion, conceal, public

Science:   "Energy" Unit test is Friday, March 22nd.

Use Mrs. Glading's Study Guide, your notebooks, and any Energy papers that are in your file folder.

Reminder: Parent Confereneces this week = 1/2 days on Thursday & Friday

Week of March 11th:

Math: 🔢  Practice Input/output tables & Line Plots by completing the practice papers that are due Friday.

We will have a 0-12 math facts "check-in" Friday. Keep learning those multiplication facts!

Reading: Read for pleasure this week. 25 + minutes a night- any type of reading that you choose.

Word Work: 

Look for these words this week:

Bend III words: irritate, startle, commotion, conceal, public

Science:   "Energy" Unit test is Friday, March 22nd.

Use Mrs. Glading's Study Guide, your notebooks, and any Energy papers that are in your file folder.

Week of March 4th:

Math: 🔢  

Unit 4 Math Test is this Thursday. Please use the Review packet that went home last Friday to practice. 

Reading: Historical Fiction Book Talks📕are due THIS WEEK. Please remember the book, your visual, and any "talking" notes.

Word Work:  "Word Love" "Check-in" this Thursday:

 Bend II words: tense, exasperated, peer (to look closely), urgent, phrase

Use the Bookmark that went home to look and listen for our school-wide words. Return the bookmark on Friday so we can add it to our class Tally.

Reminder: No School Friday

Week of February 26th:

Math: 🔢  

Reading: Historical Fiction Book Talks📕are due NEXT WEEK. This novel will be your "at home" reading for the next few weeks. The Book Talk requirements are on the paper you received as well as your scheduled presentation date. This can also be found in Google Classroom. Have fun reading and creating a wonderful Book Talk!

Word Work:  Begin to look for Our "Word Love" words out in the "Real world" or in anything you read. We will have a "check-in" soon on these words:

 Bend II words: tense, exasperated, peer (to look closely), urgent, phrase

Our Bend I words were: hesitate, resist, mourn, issue, affect

Week of February 12th:

Math: 🔢  Continue to practice multiplication and addition facts in any way that you prefer.

Week of February 5th:

Math: 🔢  Continue to practice multiplication and addition facts in any way that you prefer.

Week of January 29th:

Math: 🔢 We are rounding and estimating larger numbers and adding larger numbers this week using the traditional algorithm!! Hooray:)- the way "we used to do it".

Reading: Historical Fiction Book Talks📕 in progress. This novel will be your "at home" reading for the next few weeks. The Book Talk requirements are on the paper you received as well as your scheduled presentation date. This can also be found in Google Classroom. Have fun reading and creating a wonderful Book Talk!

Reading Logs will be due on Friday of every week. We will return to having parent signatures to ensure that we are all reading 25 + minutes per night at home.👍

Valentine's Day: Mailboxes and Valentine's are due by February 13th. Please read the memo that went home last week for details.

Week of January 22nd: Happy Student Appreciation Week😀.

Thank you to the PTO for our engaging assemblies and added treats this week.

 The Friday Folder will go home on Thursday this week. There is important information on:

Reading: Historical Fiction Book Talks📕 to begin this week! Please choose a Historical Fiction Novel (that you have not read before). Please tell me the book you choose by Friday. This will be your "at home" reading for the next few weeks. The Book Talk requirements are on the paper you received as well as your scheduled presentation date. This can also be found in Google Classroom. Have fun reading and creating a wonderful Book Talk!

Reading Logs will be sent home again in this week's Friday Folder. We will return to having parent signatures next week to ensure that we are all reading at home.👍

Math: 🔢 We begin rounding and estimating larger numbers and adding larger numbers this week.

"Number Riddles & Stories" Home Connection paper due by Friday.

Please remember a water bottle and your snack daily, also dress for outdoor weather.

Friday is comfy cozy Spirit Day.

Week of January 17th:

Math: The unit 3 Test will be on Thursday, January 18th

Reading: Read at least 25 minutes per day. Snuggle up inside with a good book:)

Remember boots and warm outerwear this week. It's a good idea to have extra socks in your backpack.

Also, remember to bring a snack & your water bottle each day.

Week of January 8th:

Reading: Read at least 25 minutes per day. Choose something you enjoy.

We will have our Non-Fiction Assessment this Thursday & Friday. By reading the passages carefully, using what we have practiced in school for Text Structures, and taking boxes & bullet-style notes, you will be well prepared for this:)

Math: The unit 3 Test will be on Wednesday, January 17th

No School on Monday, January 15th in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Happy New Year!!

Reminder: Chromebooks will remain at school, please be sure your charger is here at school.    

Week of January 2:

Math: "More Comparing Decimals & Fractions Home Connection paper, 2 sides dye by Friday.

Practice your math facts, Fact check-in Friday will be on 11 & 12's tables.

Reading: Read at least 25 minutes per day. Choose something you enjoy.

Week of December 18th:


Book Swap is Thursday: Please bring in a wrapped book to swap (if you choose to participate).

Relax and snuggle up reading some Holiday books this week.

I have a holiday Book Library Slide posted in Google Classroom for some fun choices.

Math: Listen to the "Decimal Place Value Song" that is in Google Classroom.

Practice your multiplication facts in a fun way of your choice.

Holiday Sing-Along is Wednesday. Wear festive clothing or accessories.

Week of December 11th:


IXL Language Arts: D 3 and IXL D2 

Practice Compare/Contrast and Cause/Effect with these IXL sections.

The non-fiction Text Structures Quiz will be next week.

Read 20+ minutes per night. This can be fiction or non-fiction.


Complete the "Planning A Garden" Home Connection paper

Hint: remember our "whole" in these models is made up of 16 units/squares.

Using color for each section will make these models easier to visualize.


Fancy Day is Friday, the 15th: (sorry for the confusion last week:)

Return the Book Swap Permission Slip by Friday.

Week of December 4th:


Read 25+ minutes per night. This can be fiction or non-fiction.

Wednesday Evening:

Please complete the work that you did not complete with the Substitute Teachers.

You have a Post-It with your needed work. It is either:

Scholastic News: remember you can access the Read Aloud version using the Scholastic News link on my website or the Feature Article is available in Google Classroom


 " Thinking About Fractions " Home Connection paper


IXL P 6 or P8

Book Fair is this week: Wednesday Night is Family Night at the Book Fair

Friday  the 15th is "Fancy Day" Spirit Day

Week of November 27th:

Math: Fraction work has begun!

IXL Starred sections : P1, Q5, R2, S1

Remember you do not need to reach 100%, practice for 10-15 min. per day.

Math Facts Check-in will be 9 & 10 tables this Friday.

Reading: Bring in an example or 2 of a Non-Fiction text. Please write your name inside your text.

Read 25+ minutes per night. This can be fiction or non-fiction.

Week of November 20th:

Science: Earth Science Test Tuesday, November 21st

Use Mrs. Glading's Study Guide

Use your Science notebook to find answers for the Study Guide

Use Quizlet in Mrs. Glading's Google Classroom

Reading: Relax and Read for 25+ minutes per day


Wear comfy cozy clothes for our movie day of watching "The Tiger Rising".

You may bring in a blanket, a stuffie, slippers, and your snack.

Week of November 13th:

Helping Hands: Tuesday 7:45 a.m. in the cafeteria with donations of sandwich fixings & your time:)

Upcoming Assessments:

Math:  Unit 2 Test Tuesday, November 14th

Use the review papers that went home

Use any blank problems that are found in your Bridges workbook for Unit 2

Practice the Unit 2 Kahoot that is posted in Google Classroom

Use IXL Starred sections

Listen to the "Area Model" song in Google Classroom

Practice your multiplication facts

Reading & Responding to Text: Thursday, November 16th

We will use RACES to respond after careful reading of a text.

Friday is  "Mis-Match" Spirit Day: Have fun wearing "mis-matched" items

Science: Earth Science Test Tuesday, November 21st

Use Mrs. Glading's Study Guide

Use your Science notebook to find answers to Study Guide

Use Quizlet in Mrs. Glading's Google Classroom

Upcoming Assessments:

Math:  Unit 2 Test Tuesday, November 14th

Use the review papers that went home

Use IXL Starred sections

Listen to the "Area Model" song in Google Classroom

Practice your multiplication facts

Reading & Responding to Text: Thursday, November 16th

We will use RACES to respond after careful reading of a text.

Science: Earth Science Test Tuesday, November 21st

Use Mrs. Glading's Study Guide

Use your Science notebook to find answers to Study Guide

Use Quizlet in Mrs. Glading's Google Classroom

Week of November 6th:



Week of October 30th:

Week of October 23, 2023:

Math: IXL- Please complete the "starred" Skills by Friday

Reading: Realistic Fiction Book Talks. Please see the assignment detail paper that is in each student's file folder. The due date is on the back side of the directions. You can also find both of these papers digitally in Google Classroom.  This will be your "Reading Log" book/home reading for the next few weeks.

See the helpful tips posted in last week's homework for suggestions to break up your assignment.

Social Studies:  We will have a simple New England States "check-in" this week. You should be prepared for this from the information you read in class and how well you listened to your classmates share about the State they researched as well. Be prepared to share a few fun facts about each state. You must also be able to identify each state on a map (you have a map on the cover of your New England Informational Papers)

Week of October 16, 2023:

Week of October 10, 2023:

Week of October 2, 2023:

Week of September 26th:

Week of September 18th:

Week of September 11th:

Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday : September 5,6,7

Wednesday, August 30th: