Recycling on the Hill

What has Blueberry Hill done so far to limit waste in our school and community?

Snack Pack Recycling Program

Green Club Snack Package Recycling.mp4

Trash or Treasure

Candy Wrapper Recycling Program

From mid-October to the end of November, 14 classrooms collected candy wrappers to be recycled through the Trash or Treasure program. 

We collected a grand total of 17.2 pounds of candy wrappers, which kept  approximately 7,809 candy wrappers out of landfills!

Great work Blueberry Hill!!!

School-Wide Writing Utensil Recycling

We are collecting writing utensils through the Staples Recycling Program

What Is this collection?

We are collecting any and all writing utensils used in our school including:

How are we collect the writing utensils?

Each classroom will have a collection bin that is clearly marked. 

How can you help?

You can also participate by recycling many items at your local Staples such as various tech Items, printer cartridges, batteries, etc. 

Number of Writing Utensils Collected:


NexTrex Plastic Collection:

55.5 lbs

Crayon Recycling

Members of the BHS Green Club took all of the broken crayons from our writing utensil collection, melted them down and made new crayons.  

Though this was not an easy task, this great group of students chose to donate the newly created crayons to the Kindergarten classrooms!

Way to Go Rose, Livia, and Fiona!

Courtyard Clean UP

Green Club just completed cleaning up the raised garden beds in the courtyard at Blueberry Hill! These beds will be used by several classrooms for planting both flower and herb gardens. Great Job Green Club!