Blueberry Hill Health Office

Hello from the School Nurse! Here you will find information about mandated health screenings, sick protocols, COVID updates and links to health forms. If you have ANY questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. 

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy school year! 

BHS School Nurse

Carolyn Seabury, BSN, RN

Phone: (413) 565-4280

Fax: (413) 961-0578


Health Screenings

Students enrolled in the Longmeadow School District will be screened for hearing, vision, BMI and postural difficulties in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. You can find more information here:

When to Stay Home from School

Here is the link to the: LPS Sick Protocol

COVID Updates

LPS COVID Protocol 2023-24


Click here for important information for new families.