Eastern Suffolk Showcase

Cultural Awareness

Title of Project: Cultural Awareness

Schools and Teachers

School: Pierson Middle-High School Teachers: Juliette Rendon, Tara O'Malley, Yanina Cuesta. Grades: 9 and 10

ENL Proficiency Level | ENL Program | Standards | Technology

Expanding, Commanding. | Integrated ENL/ELA, Integrated ENL/SS. | 9-10L4, 9-10SL1, 9-10SL1c, 9-10SL1d | Nearpod


Formative: Respond to questions, participate in discussion, check for understanding, and provide feedback.

Summative: Students also self-assess with an exit ticket


This lesson was meant to be done in the classroom and due to COVID-19, school was closed. We have had spotty attendance at best, so the learning experience is not as we expected. The lesson was to help overcome past issues of stereotyping and lack of intercultural awareness.


Students can respond to questions about cultural and intercultural awareness and understanding and goal making.


Language: Students can listen to music and will discuss their understanding of the cultures they come from and new ones they are encountering.

Students can review definitions that will foster understanding of how to be culturally aware.

Students can use their language skills to read aloud an informational text.


Technology: Students can use Nearpod to interact with authentic music, build their own understanding of a foreign culture’s music, practices, and perspectives. This technology allows students to use all four modalities in context.

Student work: Currently unavailable


The expectation of this lesson is to engage students in a discussion through technology, using visuals, music, reading passages and vocabulary. This lesson is designed to bring awareness about other cultures and aid students in understanding themselves. Nearpod is a self-guided lesson format; the teacher is able to guide discussion throughout the lesson and help the students practice the four modalities on an individual basis as well as through peer discussion and editing. Scaffolding and differentiation would be ongoing to meet the needs of each student.


We believe using technology resources such as Nearpod allows students to not only contribute independently, but also allows them to collaborate and share ideas as a group.