Exploring Clean Water in Ethiopia

Title of Project: Exploring Clean Water in Ethiopia

Schools and Teachers

Old Mill Road, Camp Avenue and Harold D. Fayette                             Teachers: Christine Vanella, Erin Wan, Cathy Marketos, and Lauren Kotler

ENL Proficiency Level | ENL Program | Standards | Technology

Emerging, Transitioning, Expanding   |   Stand-Alone, Integrated ENL/ELA   |  4R9, 5R9, 4W2c, 4W6, 4SL1, 4SL4, 5SL4, 4SL5  | Nearpod, Flipgrid, Book Creator, Google Slides


Students will be assessed both formatively and summatively throughout each learning experience. They will ask and answer comprehension questions after watching the charity water video. Students will participate in a Nearpod lesson in which key vocabulary will be frontloaded. They will be assessed through Interactive Videos, Matching Pairs, Open Ended Questions, Draw It and Time To Climb activities. Students will design and create their own water filtration systems out of recyclable materials and will be given time to reflect and change their designs based on observations.  Finally, they will take a trip to a water reclamation facility and use a checklist to identify the purpose, the equipment, process, results, and their opinion of why they feel cleaner water for the south shore is possible.


Students in 4th/5th grade participated in a 3 day clean water unit.  Students took part in several learning experiences where they explored Ethiopia and how difficult it is to access clean water.  It culminated in a STEM activity where they created their own water filters.


Fourth and Fifth grade students will participate in a 3-4 day clean water unit.  They will be immersed in several different learning experiences that will enhance their English language proficiency skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening.


I can use sentence starters, graphic organizers, vocabulary reinforcement, visual directions and supports.


I can use Google Slides, Nearpod, hyperdoc, Flipgrid, Book Creator, charity water website, and YouTube.


Fourth and Fifth grade students will participated in a 3-4 day clean water unit.  They were immersed in several different learning experiences that enhanced their English language proficiency skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening.  First, they participated in a clean water simulation where they had the opportunity to carry buckets of water across the gymnasium.  This simulated the experiences and creates empathy for families in other countries who have to travel long distances to access clean water.  Then they developed background knowledge during social studies as they watched a video about a family in Ethiopia who struggle to get clean water daily.  After they completed a comprehension activity, students filled in problem and solution graphic organizer, and completed a vocabulary activity based on the new words they have learned (i.e. filtration).  Next, through a hands-on STEM activity, they created their own water filtration system out of recycled water bottles and other materials.  Finally, they connected what they have learned about the water crisis in Ethiopia to an issue with clean water in their own communities.  

Resources and Other Materials


Students who participated were exposed to several different technology platforms such as google slides, hyperdocs, flipgrid, nearpod and book creator.  Providing them with choices at the end of the project allowed them to express themselves and demonstrate their understanding in ways that they were most comfortable.