The Importance and Maintenance of Water Protection

Title of Project: The Importance and Maintenance of Water Protection

Schools and Teachers

North Country Road Middle School                             Teacher: Marissa Leis

ENL Proficiency Level | ENL Program | Standards | Technology

Entering, Transitioning, Expanding   |   Stand-Alone   |  6R1, RH7, 6W2  | Canva


Students will be assessed on their ability to answer questions about text and videos. Students will be assessed on their ability to research and compile information about water conservation and everyday ways people can save water. At the end of the unit, students will create an infographic containing key points of these topics.


Students will learn about the reasons why there is less than 1% of water available to drink in the world. The students will watch short documentaries about life in countries where clean drinking water is limited. The students will learn that the water on Earth is recycled and is a renewable resource, however, water can become polluted and need to be cleaned before drinking. The students will learn about an organization called Caminos De Agua which uses different processes to filter and harvest water. Students will research ways people everyday can conserve water. 


 I can analyze a text and answer grade appropriate questions.


 I can write about a global issue and ways to solve it.


I can create an Infographic explaining reasons why it is important to protect our water and the ways in which we can protect it.

Student work


Students became engaged after hearing facts about water availability and water consumption. Students thought about ways in which water is wasted. The students watched videos that showed that water is not easily available to people in other countries. After the student’s attention was captured, students read several articles about the way water is cleaned and conserved today. Finally, students were asked to conduct their own research for ways to conserve water. After collecting this information, they created an Infographic about tips that people can follow to save water.


Students were engaged in the topic due to its shocking nature. The attention grabber (Less Than 1% on Google Slides) captured the attention of the students and sparked curiosity. Discovery Education was a great tool for displaying videos of life in countries where water is scarce. Students were first handedly able to see what life is like for these people. The technology used made it easy to convey these ideas to the students. Canva was an excellent tool for the students to use to show what they have learned about water conservation. Students were able to creatively display their information as an infographic.