What information is OK to have in our Digital Footprint?

Title of Project: What information is OK to have in our Digital Footprint?

Schools and Teachers

Lakeside Teacher: Elizabeth Testa

ENL Proficiency Level | ENL Program | Standards | Technology

Transitioning | Stand-Alone | 2R9, 2W7, 2SL5 | Buncee


Students will complete the “Pause and Think Moment” worksheet, where they will write one thing that is not OK to share on the internet and explain why.

For an extended activity, students will complete a digital footprint using Buncee to record their trail of online activity.


Students will be learning that a digital footprint is a record/trail of what you do online. Students will learn what is OK to share online and to not share any private information, such as an address or phone number. Students will listen to scenarios of Heart and Arms and decide who is safe online.


I can identify what information is safe to leave in a digital footprint.


I can discuss what information is OK to have online or in my digital footprint.


I can create a digital footprint to track my online trail.


The teacher will say, "Today we're going to watch a video called "Follow the Digital Trail". Have any of you heard of the word "trail" before?" The teacher will invite students to respond and define trail as a path or track that someone can follow. (Slide 3)

The teacher will show the "Follow the Digital Trail" video on Slide 4. As they watch, have students pay close attention to the types of information that are and aren't OK to share online.

The teacher will say, "In the video, Feet was talking about a digital footprint. What is a digital footprint?" Invite students to respond. Clarify that a digital footprint is a record (or trail) of what you do online, including the sites you visit and the things you share. (Slide 5)

The teacher will ask, "What information does Feet say NOT to share online?" After students have had a chance to share, the teacher will project Slide 6 and review private information such as one's full name, address, phone number, age, birthday, school name. The teacher will discuss and define private information as information about you that can be used to identify who you are. (Slide 7)

The teacher will ask, "What information does Feet think is OK to share online?" After students have had a chance to share out, project Slide 8 and review personal information such as hobbies, favorite things.

The teacher will say, "Heart and Arms were playing a game online and noticed there was a chat box. They thought it would be fun to talk to the other players and started to share some information about themselves. The only problem is that they forgot to ask their parents if it was OK first. All of you are detectives at the Digital Citizenship Detective Agency. As a detective, you have been hired to find out as much as possible about Heart and Arms."

Students will then walk around to complete the checklist for Heart and Arms by discovering their digital trail squares around the room.

After completion, the teacher will ask, "Who can the detectives find out more about, and why? Is there anything that Arms or Heart posted that could be a problem for them?"

The teacher will explain that it's important to think carefully about what we share online because the information is permanent. The teacher will define permanent as something that lasts forever. (Slide 11)

The teacher will project Slide 12 and have students summarize which information is OK to share online and what is not OK. We will add their responses to the chart.

Lastly, students will complete the “pause and think” moment worksheet. They will write one thing that is not OK to share on the internet and explain why.

For an extended activity, students will complete a digital footprint using Buncee to record their trail of online activity.

Resources and Other Materials


Students enjoyed the video and learning activity involving Arms and Heart. They were able to understand the vocabulary and content better because we previewed key words beforehand. Students then created their digital footprint using Buncee. I feel the students were able to discuss what is OK to have in their digital footprint and post online.