Compliments Build Character

Title of Project: Compliments Build Character

Schools and Teachers

Fairfield Elementary Teacher: Mary Gaynor and Colleen Corrigan

ENL Proficiency Level | ENL Program | Standards | Technology

Entering, Emerging | Stand-Alone | 1W1, 1SL1, 1L6, 1W1, 1SL1, 1SL1a, 1SL1b, 1SL1d, 1L6 | Buncee, Nearpod


In addition to constant teacher assessment throughout the lesson, students will demonstrate what they have learned by providing feedback in the form of compliments on other student’s Best Part of Me Buncees. Students will then explain how the experience of reflecting upon their positive traits made them feel. They will also discuss how it felt to give and receive compliments online.


Students will participate in a “Screen out the Mean” Nearpod activity. They will discuss what bullying is, why people bully others, how bullies feel and how being bullied feels. In reflecting upon these ideas, students will understand that being kind to yourself enables you to be kind to others. They will listen to the story “The Best Part of Me” and then create their own best part of me on a Buncee. As a reflection, students will read each other’s best part of me Buncee and provide compliments.


I can understand that treating myself kindly and respectfully in person and online will allow me to treat others in the same manner.


I can use my writing and speaking skills to provide compliments to others.


I can create a Buncee to express what I feel is the best part about me by including a picture and typed explanation and then provide compliments to others on our class Buncee Board.

Student work


1. Students will log into Nearpod and they will join the “Screen out the Mean'' lesson. In the introduction process, we will introduce the term Digital Citizenship.

2. Once the students are logged into the lesson, we will proceed with the slides and discuss the importance of monitoring what you are saying/typing on the internet and in person.

3. Students will have a discussion with their turn and talk partners to discuss some of the scenarios found in the slides. We will discuss the impact that it could have on a person and the decision that could have been made to prevent that scenario.

4. After completing the Nearpod, students will listen to the book, The Best Part of Me, which would be found in their Buncee account. Students will listen to student reflections which were written in the book that reflects their personal opinions about themselves.

5. There will be a group discussion to reflect on the writing in which the students produced in the text. Students will then think about their body parts and which is the best part of them.

6. Students will access their Buncee account and open the file that was sent to their classroom account. Students will take a picture of the body part that they think is the best part of them using the Buncee camera feature. On the second page, students will use the provided sentence stem to state which body part is their favorite and why. Depending on the students abilities, length of sentences may vary.

7. Student's will submit their Buncee’s to their teachers and it will then be transferred to the class Buncee Board.

8. We will review how to provide feedback to our classmates using sentence stems.

9. Students will provide a comment to their classmates. We will also review the functionality of the emoji feature. (Sometimes students look more at the number of likes versus the actual comments. This will be a teachable moment to express that students sometimes get upset and compare the number of likes they have to others.

10. Providing valuable feedback to classmates is a skill that will be used in future lessons.

11. The teacher will print out the Buncees and create a Bulletin Board to showcase the student’s work.

Resources and Other Materials

  • Chromebooks

  • Nearpod

  • The Best Part of Me by Wendy Ewald

  • Buncee


This interactive lesson is fun and engaging for students. This lesson incorporates a lot of technology in which the students are excited to participate because they are eager to record themselves and take pictures on their Chromebook. This lesson utilizes various listening and speaking skills which are essential for entering and emerging ELLs. Furthermore, it teaches them the importance and the theory behind the concept of digital citizenship.