Interactions for Peace

Title of Project: Interactions for Peace

Schools and Teachers

Munsey Park Elementary Teachers: Jessica Buonfrisco & Adriana Marquez

ENL Proficiency Level | ENL Program | Standards | Technology

Appropriate for all levels | Integrated ENL/ELA | KSL1, 4W1b, 4R4 | iPads, iMovie


Formative & Summative: Students were informally assessed throughout each of the lessons through observations made by the teachers. Checklist included the following: students were able to stay on task, students used their language skills to participate in a discussion with their partners about Peace, and students used resources around them to help guide their answers.

Students were formally assessed on their Peace Badges. The rubric for this portion of the lesson includes: students have at least one written detail to describe Peace AND students have to have at least one drawing demonstrating their understanding of Peace.


This learning experience is a collaboration of two integrated ENL classes working together on a school initiative called The Peace Project. Fourth Grade students worked together with Kindergarteners to come up with a presentation on Peace. The lesson included group discussions, creation of a Peace Badge and an interactive Sing-along experience.


I can participate in a discussion on what Peace means to me.


I can use evidence from books, real world experiences, and interactions with others to enforce my understanding on what it means to have or show Peace in my spoken and written language.


iPads, iMovie

Student work


The fourth grade students lead a discussion with their Kindergarten buddies about what Peace means. Together each Fourth Grade-Kindergarten partnership worked together to come up with a “Peace Badge” that represented what peace means to them. This activity involved all of the four language domains of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Students came together to take their new understanding of Peace and express it in a different way- through song. The students then participated in a sing-a-long where they learned the lyrics to the PEACE Song. The lyrics were carefully selected so that students of all proficiency levels could participate in this activity. Entering students were given the opportunity to express the song using hand motions and gestures. The hand motions were then adapted by the other students in each of the classes. The students loved the opportunity for everyone to be involved. They wanted to document it to be able to look back at all their hard work. The project was documented and put together as a final presentation through photos and voice recordings on iMovie.


Throughout the Interactions for Peace Learning Experience, technology played a large role in instruction and documentation. Students used technology to listen, learn, and interact with the PEACE song sing-a-long as well as used the iPad to document their learning through recordings, pictures, and videos. All of these documentations were put together though iMovie to create the final Interactions for Peace video.