Hoaxes and Fakes

Title of Project: Hoaxes and Fakes

Schools and Teachers

Manhasset Secondary School Teacher: Ashley Wong

ENL Proficiency Level | ENL Program | Standards | Technology

Emerging, Transitioning, Expanding | Stand-Alone, Integrated ENL/ELA | RST3 11-12R6 RST6 | Canva, Jamboard


Students will be summatively assessed on their knowledge of vocabulary based on their posters, which will be graded on a rubric. Formative assessment will also occur as they complete their social justice research in preparation for their spoken word poetry.


This mini-unit is about identifying misinformation in the internet via viral videos and reading using strategies such as lateral reading in order to verify the accuracy of information we find online. Students are introduced to shared vocabulary in order to talk about misinformation and reading strategies that help them navigate through sources on the internet.


I can apply lateral reading to examples of questionable videos to determine their accuracy.


I can use lateral reading as a strategy to verify the accuracy of information online by matching words and ideas between sources.


I can define "misinformation" and show the consequences of spreading misinformation online using Canva.

Student work


Students view “Pig Rescues Baby Goat” video, and discuss their feelings about it.

Students view “Nathan For You-Petting Zoo Hero” Video and discuss the deception.

Teacher frontloads vocabulary: misinformation and disinformation.

Students discuss consequences for both misinformation and disinformation.

Teacher introduces laterally ready strategy to help students tell credible information and misinformation apart.

Students complete the Read Laterally for Accuracy Student handout.

Students share out key takeaways with the class.

Class defines corroboration as additional source(s) that confirm or support the claims of a news story, article, or piece of information.

Students complete part 2 of Read Laterally for Accuracy Student Handout.

Students share out answers and reasoning using evidence-based responses.

Students review the vocabulary words misinformation, disinformation, lateral reading, and corroboration using Jamboard.

Students choose one vocabulary word and create a Canva poster that contains at least 2 examples of their vocabulary word. These will be displayed throughout the classroom and will be referred to as students complete research in preparation for their spoken word poetry.

Resources and Other Materials


This lesson was a valuable experience for my students, who come from countries where access to information and technology is not always easy. I had a newcomer who was shocked that everyone was on their phones in the school building when he first came to school! Teaching about Digital Literacy was so eye-opening for them! The video resources from Common Sense Media really made it clear to the students why this topic is so necessary to learn about in order to become informed readers. For students who are used to believing what they read, especially from paper sources, this lesson helped them learn to think critically when interacting with media in video form, in text form, etc. In addition, Canva is one of my favorite resources from the Title III Consortium! The possibilities are endless, and the students are able to create such wonderful displays of language and knowledge using this resource. I think, in the future, I may give them the opportunity to take advantage of all the different options Canva has to offer. I wanted to start off simple with posters, but next time I will have my students choose whether they want to create an infographic, a poster, or a video!