Virtual Kings Park Community Tour

Title of Project: Virtual Kings Park Community Tour

Schools and Teachers

Kings Park Schools Teachers: Liz Bellucci, Annita Buffa, Rosa Ismail, Nicole Keicher, Mina Laucella, and Erica Vidal

ENL Proficiency Level | ENL Program | Standards | Technology

Appropriate for all levels | Stand-Alone | Standard #5, Standard #1, Standard #2 | Flipgrid, Vocaroo, BrainPop


Formative & Summative: The students were assessed formally and informally throughout the completion of this cooperative project through teacher checklists, NYSESLAT rubrics, graphic organizers, and multimedia presentations


Students created a collaborative project where they identified important locations around our community and each school building. They wrote and recorded scripts, took photos and videos of each location, and generated slides in order to create a virtual tour of the community. It was then converted into a live website to welcome students into their school community.


I can provide information and details regarding locations in my school and my community.


I can use the standard conventions of English when writing and speaking about my school and community.


I can use digital media to present information for an audience in a variety of ways.

flipgrid practice 2.mp4
_Behind the Scenes_ of the Kings Park Virtual Tour.pdf


  1. Students and teachers brainstorm locations in the buildings and in the community that should be included in a virtual tour.

  2. Students and teachers collectively decide each student's role in the creation of the project.

  3. Students physically/virtually visited each location in order to research, conduct interviews and obtain information needed for their presentation.

  4. Students create a final presentation of their location(s) via videos, written information, photos and audio recordings.

  5. Students were actively engaged in the creation of these projects and many of them became the class "experts" for their researched locations.

  6. Speaking: students spoke with each other as well as recorded their own voices (via audio and/or video)

  7. Listening: students listened to community members, school staff and each other in order to collaborate and complete this project

  8. Reading: students read information and literature about different locations in the community and their school building from a variety of sources

  9. Writing: students wrote scripts describing locations and resources found in different locations in each school building and throughout the community

Resources and Other Materials

  • Brainstorm Template

  • Flip grid

  • Brainpop

  • Google Docs, Slides, & Sites

  • Printed graphic organizers & templates

  • Chromebooks

  • iPads & tripod stands

  • Vocaroo

  • Nearpod

  • Storyboard That



  • Canva

  • NewsELA


The students enjoyed using the variety of apps and tools that we utilized. We noticed that some students were not comfortable at first with creating videos of themselves. Flipgrid was helpful with easing their apprehension with this because they could record themselves several times and use the different emojis and stickers to disguise themselves. In addition, others that did not want to be in videos were still actively involved in all parts of the script creation and could record only their voices (via Vocaroo for example) instead of appearing on screen. We as teachers felt that we helped build a way to help children feel safe by empowering them to help others through this virtual tour.

After having to endure a pandemic and remote learning,now more than ever we realized the importance of Mental Health support. For this reason this school year we went back to further enhance the project with the students and included opportunities and resources at each building that could help students with mindfulness, self care and overall mental health.