Exercise Does the Body Good

Title of Project: Exercise Does the Body Good

Schools and Teachers

William T. Rogers Middle School                             Teacher: Annita Buffa

ENL Proficiency Level | ENL Program | Standards | Technology

Emerging   |   Stand-Alone   |  8SL1a, 8SL3, 8W1a, 8W1c, 8W6  | Newsela, Newsomatic, BrainPOP, Readworks


Formative assessment throughout lesson including:


We have noticed a general lack of enthusiasm when it comes to gym class and/or recess at the middle school.  In order to respond to this, we have designed this lesson to inform and stress the importance of exercise in our daily lives.  Ultimately we would like the students to come up with ideas for improving upon the way in which our school handles recess.  Perhaps they can come up with an idea for an activity or set of activities to sign up to do during recess time and pitch it to our building administrators. This lesson will take place over the course of about 2 days.


I can identify and understand the benefits of exercise to my mind, body and soul.


I can write a letter discussing the importance of exercise and persuading my school to improve upon their recess program.


I can use the internet for research on the importance of exercise in my daily life.

Student work



Rodrigo was able to understand the tasks throughout the lesson with little translation.  Since the Flocabulary video incorporated dance moves, we had him dance the steps with us.  He is a shy boy but participated nonetheless which allowed us to have a more authentic conversation about how he was feeling after moving his body. The research he conducted facilitated his ability to write a persuasive letter using concrete facts an details in an effort to accomplish his goals.