Our Visit From the Book Fairy

Title of Project: Our Visit From the Book Fairy

Schools and Teachers

Michael F. Stokes Elementary School                     Teacher: Jen Anderson

ENL Proficiency Level | ENL Program | Standards | Technology

Appropriate for all English Proficiency Levels   |   Stand-Alone   |  1A.1a., 2W3 2SL4  |  Buncee, Flipgrid


The students assessment was ongoing throughout this project. The students were evaluated through teacher observation and student participation. The criteria used to assess the writing assignment consisted of: a title, a topic sentence, transitional words, and a conclusion.  Students were assessed by their final product using Buncee. They must include their Book Fairy writing, a flipgrid video, two animated pictures, and other stickers pictures to support their theme.


This project was completed in conjunction with the school counselor, PARP week, cultural diversity and awareness and SEL.


I can write a narrative to retell a story in sequential order.


I can use transitional words to retell a story.


I can use a flip grid to expand on my speaking skills and fluency. 

I can create a Buncee as a platform to share my project. 


To begin with, I was lucky enough to be chosen to get all of my ENL students their own multicultural books to keep and take home through the Leaders Readers Network.  The  National Book Projects accepted my nomination to send my students free books through their  Bilingual Book Project.  This was so special, and I wanted to handle it in a way my students would remember it, and not just hand out books to them. I teamed up with our School Counselor and we decided that we needed the help of the Book Fairy. 

Our School Counselor started off by creating a social and emotional  lesson based around feelings and emotions.  She used various situations and scenarios so the students could identify the emotions involved.  They even received their own emotions chart to refer back to when reflecting on different moments during the school day. The ENL students responded very well and were able to use their new vocabulary to express their excitement, happiness, and surprise when they received their new cultural books!

The books were presented to the students by using an imaginary character, The Book Fairy.  The students found a letter on their desks when they entered the ENL classroom.  The letter explained that The Book Fairy noticed how hard the students were working in school, and for their efforts, she wanted to present them with a book.  They were so excited, and used their emotions vocabulary chart to help them express how they felt when they saw the books displayed on the table and also,  how they felt that they got to keep the book of their choice! Some students picked out books that were in their home language, and some chose books in other languages.  This was a great way to celebrate other cultures in our classroom! 

When writing, the students used transitional words (First, Next, Then, Last) to retell their book experience.  The students used CUPS to revise their stories.  (C= capitals, U= usage, P= punctuation, S= spelling). Once their writing was completed, the students created a Buncee that encompassed their experience.   

Resources and Other Materials


The kids loved this project so much. Since my students were able to take a book home and keep it really meant the world to them. Especially when the book had words in their home language, or a language/culture  they were interested in learning about. We gathered together in our GPR where the kids listened to each others Flipgrids. As a result, the students were constantly asking if the Book Fairy was coming for a visit again.  I plan on gathering gently used books to send home with the help of the Book Fairy for all my students next year.