Healthy Eating Habits

Title of Project: Healthy Eating Habits

Schools and Teachers

Forest Brook, Pines & Bretton Woods Elementary Schools Teacher: Lynn Gustie

ENL Proficiency Level | ENL Program | Standards | Technology

Entering, Emerging   |   Stand-Alone   |   KSL1, 1SL1, 2SL1 KW2, 1W2, 2W2 KL4, 1L4, 2L4   |   Buncee, SeeSaw, BrainPOP Jr.


The students will be assessed with the SeeSaw activity where they will sort the foods into different categories and make sure their plate is well-balanced.


Students will be able to discuss healthy foods and healthy eating habits with each other.  Students will create their own “plate” that will consist of healthy foods from different food groups. Students will record their voices explaining the foods they chose and why they chose them on their plates.


I can watch a video about food groups and eating healthy on BrainPopJr.


I can discuss healthy foods that I can eat by recording my voice on Buncee / SeeSaw.


I can use Buncee / SeeSaw to create my healthy food plate with images of different foods.


Students will be watching videos on BrainPopJr, listening to The Hungry Caterpillar, and completing a SeeSaw activity on healthy eating habits. During this unit we will use student iPads, SmartBoard and/ or the TV to display different videos and stories. 

We will differentiate by providing visuals to support vocabulary. Each food item will have a picture to go along with it. We will also provide repetition in our instruction to help support students learn different food groups and foods.


We used technology throughout this unit. We used the TV/ iPad/ Smartboard to display BrainPopJr videos. We also used student iPads for SeeSaw so they could create their own “healthy plates.” The student did really well with this activity because they are used to using their iPads and SeeSaw. That is why we decided to use the SeeSaw platform.