Safety In Our Online Neighborhood

Title of Project: Safety In Our Online Neighborhood

Schools and Teachers

Homestead Teacher: Katie Forte and Alyssa Pinto-Abreu

ENL Proficiency Level | ENL Program | Standards | Technology

Emerging, Transitioning, Expanding | Stand-Alone | 1.ELAL.19. [1W7], 1.SEL.8. [3A.] | SeeSaw, Canva


Using SeeSaw and Canva, students will write and illustrate at least three ways to stay safe online and in their physical environments. Digital work will be submitted through Canva and SeeSaw. Please see this rubric for further details and how each modality of language learning applies.


Our first grade English Language Learners have been studying digital citizenship and media balance throughout the school year. In order to incorporate those concepts and have students take ownership of them, we navigated our students through a virtual field trip and basic safety rules in both our physical and online environments. Our students discovered that almost the same rules apply to both situations, but our online navigation requires a little more attention when it comes to safety. Using Canva, SeeSaw, a virtual field trip to the National Aquarium, and resources from Common Sense Media, or students were able to participate in a virtual tour and create a Canva design and SeeSaw template regarding how to stay safe online. They also participated in a TPR reading activity, robust class discussion and pair share activities, and reflected that they felt more confident navigating their online space.


I can take measures to safely visit places online.


I can use safety language in both my physical and online environments.


I can use technology to help me learn about safety and explore new places.

Student work


To begin, students will participate in a SeeSaw vocabulary exercise about the word, “safety.” After that, students will review three rules about staying safe online and their physical environment using the slides #3, 5, and 6 from Common Sense Media. Students will participate in a TPR activity using the safety poem from Common Sense Media. Students will then participate in a virtual tour of the National Aquarium, pausing intermittently for class discussion about how we stay safe. Finally, students will create their own Canva posters using safety vocabulary words, online pictures, or their own scanned drawings regarding how they can stay safe online.


The choice to utilize Canva as our creative project base opened up a lot of technological design options. It was also easy to navigate, and offered a vocabulary builder with visuals for our emerging students. Our students enjoyed adding to the template as a whole class. We found that it was tricky for students this young to create their own templates; we adapted as necessary. The students really enjoyed the TPR activities and the virtual field trip! Canva is here to stay as part of our curriculum activity design!