Safety First - Digital Citizenship

Title of Project: Safety First - Digital Citizenship

Schools and Teachers

Dayton Avenue and Eastport Elementary Teacher: Stacey Chiavola, Jill Micheels, and Martha Kennelly

ENL Proficiency Level | ENL Program | Standards | Technology

Appropriate for all English Proficiency Levels | Stand-Alone | SL 5.1, SL 5.4 | Book Creator, Nearpod


Using our lesson checklist, with student self assessment:

Students will be able to (SWBAT) orally share ideas about cyberbullying and safe ways to be an upstander. They will work with peers in the collaborative process of creating, showing their ability to listen, share and contribute.


To inform students about digital citizenship, and how to act responsibly online, teachers will provide students with an understanding of the differences between in person bullying and cyberbullying, as well as appropriate ways to take action and resolve conflicts, from being upstanders to helping others in need. Students will collaboratively create a book using Book Creator to show ways to be an upstander and stay safe online.


I can describe what makes someone an upstander.


I can participate in a discussion, and answer questions about the topics of digital citizenship and cyberbullying.


I can create a page using Book Creator to show ways I can be an upstander and stay safe online.

Student work


Students will share in a discussion about what cyberbullying is and how we can make our digital community safer for all.

They will view Super Digital Citizen and respond to questions about what a super digital citizen does and how a digital superhero/citizen could help.

Students will work collaboratively to create a book using Book Creator to inform others on how to stay safe online.

Students will then share the book with younger students in the district.

Resources and Other Materials


We chose to do this lesson because our students are using technology and the internet throughout the school day. Using Nearpod for our lesson helped students work at their own pace so they could understand the material more deeply. Our students love using Book Creator so we decided to incorporate that into our lesson. Our students are now more consciously aware of how to be safe on the internet.