Getting to Know How I Feel

Title of Project: Getting to Know How I Feel

Schools and Teachers

Clayton Huey Elementary School                             Teacher: Brittni LoNigro, Emily Reinsel, Viviana Escalante

ENL Proficiency Level | ENL Program | Standards | Technology

Entering, Transitioning, Expanding   |   Stand-Alone   |  3rd Grade: 3W2, 3W6, 3SL1, 3SL5 5th Grade: 5W2, 5W6, 5SL1,5SL5  |  

Book Creator,  PebbleGo,  BrainPop


My Emotions Journal (created on Book Creator) - Included in books are students' daily check ins, brainstorming activity, and reflections to daily lessons on emotions, stress, and exercise. 

I Feel Activity (in My Emotions Journal) - Students took pictures and added images to represent different scenarios and how they felt in those scenarios.  This activity was included in students' My Emotions Journal. 

Research Project (created on Book Creator) - Students researched stress, emotions, or exercise using PebbleGo and Brain Pop. Students created a book using Book Creator to share their research.  


In 2020, the global prevalence of anxiety and depression increased by an estimated 25 percent, with young people and women most affected. We will look at mental health, emotions, and stress and how exercising can help with how students are feeling.  Students will be researching and sharing books with their peers to answer the question: What is mental health and how can I be aware about my mental health?


I can conduct research to gather information about mental health using PebbleGo and BrainPop Jr.


I can use my research to express my findings by writing and talking about my mental health topic.


I can create a book on Book Creator using digital media about mental health.

Student work

Click here to see student work folder in Google Drive.

Student M (5th Grade) Final Book.pdf
Student J (5th Grade) Final Book .pdf
Student H (5th Grade) My Emotions Journal.pdf
Student A (3rd Grade) My Emotions Journal.pdf

We have been made aware of several documents that are not showing up on the website. We appreciate your patience as we work to bring you student work. Thank you.


Day 1: Introduce unit on Mental Health. Students will complete a Daily Check-In.  Students will make a copy of the template of “My Emotions Journal” on Book Creator.  Students will get to decorate the cover of their book to express their emotions and pictures that make them think of feelings and emotions.  Students will use visuals and words to express their prior knowledge about mental health, emotions, feelings, and stress. Students will record their prior knowledge on a chart paper with post-its (picture included in “My Emotions Journal”).  

Day 2:  Students will complete Daily Self Check-In. Students will watch YouTube video on Mental Health for kids.  Students will read an article about mental health and take notes about important facts about mental health.  Students will read text alone or with a partner, then as a class we will read the article together.  Students will mark up the text by writing the gist of each paragraph.  This article can help collect research that they can use for their final project about Mental Health.  

Day 3 and 4:  Students will complete Daily Self Check-In. Students will watch a BrainPop Jr. video about Emotions.  Teacher will read The Way I Feel by Janan Cain to introduce different feelings.  Students will complete “I Feel” Activity in “My Emotions Journal.” Students will take pictures of themselves and/or use emojis to reflect how they feel in different situations such as when they are home alone, with family, with friends, when someone is mean to them, when they are at recess, etc. Students will use Boom Cards to practice identifying different emotions during different situations. 

Day 5: Students will complete Daily Self Check-In. Students will brainstorm ideas about what causes them stress and what they can do when they are stressed.  Students will watch a BrainPop video on Stress. Students will add pictures and words to their “My Emotions Journal” to represent what stresses them out.  

Day 6: Students will complete Daily Self Check-In.  Students will watch a BrainPop video on Fitness.  Students will discuss how exercising can help when they are stressed.  Students will complete an exercise schedule that they can complete if they are stressed. Students will be introduced to the Research Project and will select a topic to research further. 

Day 7-12: Students will conduct their research on Mental Health topics using BrainPop videos as well as using PebbleGo.  Students will be given a brainstorming web to help them when researching their topics. Students will create a book on Book Creator using the research they completed by incorporating writing and visuals. Students will share their books with their peers and provide feedback.  Students will use feedback to improve their books. Students will participate in a virtual gallery walk to view their classmates books they created about the Mental Health topic of their choice 

Day 13: "Big/Little Day" - Students from the High School will come down to the Elementary School to have a celebration of finishing their mental health projects.  Students will discuss what they learned about mental health and what to do if they are stressed.  Students will play kick ball together. Students will complete one check in before playing kick ball and another check in after to see how exercise affects how you feel.  

Resources and Other Materials


When it came to technology, Book Creator, BrainPop, Boom Cards, and PebbleGo were the types of technology we utilized the most during this project. These resources were kid friendly and gave them reliable information when researching the topics of their choice.  Students were engaged, especially with the BrainPop videos and Boom Card games.  BrainPop videos were utilized to introduce the various topics to the students.  When they decided on a research topic, they used BrainPop and PebbleGo to conduct research.  The students loved using Book Creator to keep a journal of the different topics we were learning about.  I think even before they learned about what topic we would be learning about, just knowing they could use Book Creator motivated them to do better work and be more engaged.  Everyday they were excited to come in and add to their journal new information they learned about different topics related to Mental Health.  Students loved creating their books at the end of the unit to show one topic of their choice that they decided to research more in depth.  The students were able to take ownership in their work and be creative about how they presented their research.  This kept students more engaged and excited to complete the research for their project. There were points they did not want to leave ENL because they wanted to continue working on their books. 

Students were also actively engaged in their learning because of the student-led discussions and the opportunities to brainstorm ideas based on the topic.  They were also able to constantly think about what they were learning because they were able to continuously reflect on their learning and research by adding pictures and words to their brainstorming pages in their Journal.  I found it interesting some of the discussions that came up when students were doing turn and talks as well as class discussions.  Students felt comfortable sharing situations when they have been stressed or experienced mental health issues.  I was very proud of how they felt safe to have these types of conversations with their peers.  Students also benefited from working with their peers and making connections to different pieces of the research we were doing.  For example, when watching the YouTube Video on Mental Health, I heard many students discussing how they have experienced similar situations and I thought it added to their understanding of mental health because they saw other students experiencing similar life events. I felt throughout the unit, some of the best “research” came from the students’ discussions and hearing them talk about their experiences with Mental Health. 

If I were to do this again, I do not think I would have them complete their daily check-ins in their journal online and instead do hard copies.  Half way through the project, I gave them the option to do it virtual or on paper and then take a picture of their check in to add to their book.  The majority of them wanted to do it on paper and then take a picture.  By the second week of the project, students were completing their check-in on paper and then adding a picture to their journal.  For the “I Feel Activity,” having the virtual journal was incredibly useful because they could take pictures of themselves or add emojis to represent their feelings.  At first students did not want to take pictures of themselves, however, after doing a few of the pages, they got excited and into it.  Also, throughout the project, I had to modify and adjust the lessons because some activities took longer than expected such as the “I Feel” Activity.  Originally I thought they could complete it in one 36 minute period, however, they needed two days to complete this activity.  

This unit ended up taking significantly longer than expected due to scheduling conflicts as well as giving students proper time to complete research.  Originally what I thought could be completed in 2 weeks (1 week of background information and 1 week of student research and project), ended up taking much longer (almost 2.5 weeks).  The time we completed this unit (towards the end of the school year), also played a role in how much time was needed to complete all the components.  I did not have 2 consistent weeks to complete the project and on multiple occasions, I either was not able to teach the lesson or students were absent because of state testing or field trips.  This caused the students to have less time to complete their research and create the book.  Some of the activities that I had originally planned had to be modified or removed from the unit plan.  If I were to teach this unit again, I would make sure it was during a time where I could have more consistent instruction.