Fact or Opinion

Title of Project: Fact or Opinion

Schools and Teachers

Charles A. Reinhard Teacher: Dana Frankel

ENL Proficiency Level | ENL Program | Standards | Technology

Transitioning, Expanding | Integrated ENL / Classroom | 2W1: 2SL1a: 2SL2D | BrainPop Jr.


The children will be assessed through their oral presentations to the class, written responses, and/or their drawings, and the results from The quiz. The teacher may choose to use a rubric to score their presentations.


This lesson is designed to discuss what a fact is, what an opinion is, and how to tell the difference. The students will have the opportunity to exhibit their knowledge through discussion, technology, and written form. The students will then be posed with the task of coming up with a problem in their community and then to write three facts to back up their opinion.


I can write an opinion about a topic or personal experience, using clear reasons and relevant evidence.


I can use supporting reasons and evidence to present my opinion.


I can watch the movie Facts and Opinions on BrainPop Jr. to reinforce my knowledge of the difference between a fact and an opinion. I can also use my knowledge to construct my verbal argument, write, and or draw about it on BrainPop Jr.


The students will work on the difference between a fact and an opinion. They will be asked to turn and talk with a partner about their knowledge of facts and opinions. The teacher will write down all of the ideas that the students share on chart paper. The teacher will then define the terms and use examples from what the students came up with to clarify. The class will then watch the video on BrainPoP Jr. to reinforce what they know and what they may have learned. After the video, the students will be introduced to the task that they will be working on in “The Talk About It” tab in BrainPoP Jr. The “Draw About It” tab is available for students who are not ready to write about it. (The prompt is different however, the teacher can ask them to draw about the same prompt from The “ Talk About It” tab) Once completed, they will present their work to the class. After their presentation, the students will be asked to complete the difficult or easy online quiz from BrainPoP Jr.

Resources and Other Materials

To implement this lesson, students will use BrainPoP Jr. Although they can type their responses directly on the computer, they will be given a hard copy of the Venn diagram ( It can be found in the "Talk About It" tab ) to use as needed.



BrainPoP Jr. is an engaging website with many options to differentiate to meet the needs of all students. Speaking, listening, reading, and writing are all addressed in an enjoyable, child friendly, interesting manner.