Humans of Calhoun

Title of Project: Humans of Calhoun

Schools and Teachers

Sanford H. Calhoun High School Teachers: Heather Glick & Mae Angeles

ENL Proficiency Level | ENL Program | Standards | Technology

Entering, Emerging, Transitioning, Expanding, Commanding | Stand-Alone | 9-10W2, 9-10SL1, 9-10W6 | Smart phones, Chromebooks, iPads, Canva


Formative & Summative:

  • Teacher checklist of completion of the steps above

  • Wholistic rubric for correctness of the email draft and interview questions

  • Student editing/proofing of their own work throughout (email, questions, transcript)

  • Wholistic rubric for correctness of the transcript draft

  • Observation and wholistic rubric of peer editing of transcript drafts

  • Wholistic rubric of student oral presentation of findings to class.


In this unit, students set up a meeting with and interview a staff member they do not know. They go through all the steps of emailing the staff member to set an appointment, meet with them and record and photograph the interview, listen and write a draft, peer edit, proofread and publish.


I can set an appointment with an unfamiliar person. I can communicate in answer to interview questions. I can listen and transcribe standard English conversation.


I can speak, read, and write to communicate and set an appointment with an unfamiliar person. I can communicate in answer to interview questions. I can listen and transcribe standard English conversation.


I can use a recording device (phone or iPad) to record an interview, upload or AirDrop a recording to another folder/computer, manipulate and control an audio file to do the following: listen, find appropriate placement, rewind, fast-forward. I can effectively use headphones with various devices to listen to interviews.

Student Work


  1. (Digital) Learn who your staff member is.

  2. (Digital) Compose email to teachers/staff to set appointment

    • *Make sure ENL teacher approves your message first! Get the email address of your interviewee from teacher

    • Homework: send and check email & finalize appointment time

  3. (Digital) Write, choose and submit interview questions through “slack” application

    • Homework 1 : practice and prepare interview questions

    • Homework 2: secure recording device, charge batteries

  4. (Outside of or during class) Conduct & record interview, take a photo using phone/iPad

  5. (Recording device and computer) Play, listen, & transcribe interview

  6. (Computer) Edit/revise/submit via Google Docs (Chromebook/phone)

  7. Oral presentation to class

  8. “Like” and “comment” on post on Instagram

  9. Oral reflections on benefits and improvements on project

  10. Print/make poster with Canva for “Colture Day” (interviewee photo, text, and rationale/expectations/reflection/photo of interviewer)

Resources and Other Materials

  • iPads, Chromebooks, smart phones, smart board, headphones, Google Drive, slack application, Instagram application, Canva


According to the student feedback received, the students said they found it very valuable in terms of their social interaction with previously unknown staff in the building. They are very eager to improve their English and fit in, and this was a great way to accomplish those self-described goals. All of the technology was used in an authentic and useful way, from apps and devices they were familiar with to those they learned to use for the first time. The audio files were particularly useful for peer editing because the students helped each other to listen at the same time and decipher what was being said. We expected the transcription to be difficult, but it actually went much more smoothly than expected, probably because we decided to have the students choose only the best one minute of their interview. Peer editing was also fun and smooth. Students worked with each other and with staff very cooperatively, and the bonds between all involved grew and were strengthened. It was particularly fun and interesting to connect the project with other applications such as slack and also with social media such as Instagram, because that brings everything full circle and makes it all very relevant to their lives and experiences. Using the aspect of social media helps bring attention to the activities of the ENL program, but also helps introduce the English Language Learners to the school community. This way, students are more familiar with them and they can get along even better with everyone and feel more comfortable and supported during their time in high school in the United States.