Digital Citizenship Pledge

Title of Project: Digital Citizenship Pledge

Schools and Teachers

Babylon Elementary School Teacher: Lindsay Carbone

ENL Proficiency Level | ENL Program | Standards | Technology

Appropriate for all English Proficiency Levels | Stand-Alone, Integrated ENL/ELA | 1SL5 1L4 1W1 | BrainPOP Jr.


Students will be assessed by a rubric from the teacher. Students will also be able to explain and recite the pledge.


Students created a pledge based on what they learned about digital citizenship. Students connected it to the school pledge they say daily after the pledge of allegiance.


I can give reasons and ideas on how to be a good digital citizen.


I can describe what it means to be a good digital citizen.


I can use ideas from BrainPOP Jr. on what I learned about what being a good digital citizen means and how to be one in relation to being a good citizen in general.


First students recited the school pledge that they say every day. The teacher displayed the words on the SMART board as they said it. Students who can read read the words aloud. Students discussed certain words in the pledge.

The teacher broke the school pledge down into three parts and each part meant something to the students. The students had a discussion about each part and what it meant.

The next day students created a chart for the three parts and gave examples of how students can act this way (example: safe, responsible, respectful).

Students saw the full significance of the pledge that they say everyday after breaking it down into the different parts and discussing it. Students sometimes just memorize the words of the pledge but never think of the actual meaning.

Now that students discussed the school pledge it was time for them to learn about digital citizenship and what it means be a good digital citizen.

Students watched the video on BrainPOP Jr. on Digital Citizenship. Students discussed what digital and what citizen meant. Throughout the video the teacher was prompted to pause it and discuss what devices, websites or games they use.

Since students are so young, they are usually supervised but this was a good learning experience for them as they get older.

Students created a pledge similar to the already existing school pledge on how to be safe, respectful, and responsible online or when using a digital device.

Students brainstormed individually and then came together as a class. Students then created an anchor chart on big chart paper to create their pledge. All students had a turn to write down part of the pledge. Since our school has the school pledge students wanted to use these three main components to think about the digital world around us.

Resources and Other Materials


I think this was a great project for students. It helped them understand our school pledge and what it means when they say it everyday. Students now understand what it means to be a good digital citizen and hopefully they will carry this with them.