Teaching & Learning Outcomes

What teachers have identified as important to their Ākonga 2021. 


Respect - Show consideration to others online. EG. Make sure you have permission to include photos of others when sharing online (Seesaw).

Balance - Students learn to Pause, Breathe, and Finish up when ever they have to say goodbye to technology. 

I recognise difference kinds of feelings when using technology. I know when it's time to take a break.

Links to -  Common Sense Education - Year 0 -2 DC including Pause & Think Online Video

Challenge - Stay focused on one task at a time. For example when creating a project using the iPads we stay on the appropriate app. 

Connect - I can make meaningful global connections. I show respect for others customs and cultures. 

Note  - I have separated ideas generated are procedural. These are valid as classroom guidelines and could be included in a class treaty or general classroom rules. However, even though they relate to digital technology they are not considered digital citizenship. 


Critical Thinking 

Links to BE INTERNET ALERT - Don't Fall for Fake

It’s important to help kids become aware that people and situations online aren’t always as they seem. Discerning between what’s real and what’s fake is a very real lesson in online safety.

Digital Footprints 

Links to BE INTERNET SMART - Share with Care

Digital footprint or digital shadow refers to one's unique set of traceable digital activities, actions, contributions and communications manifested on the Internet or digital devices.[1][2][3][4] Digital footprints can be classified as either passive or active. The former is composed of a user's web-browsing activity and information stored as cookies. The latter is often released deliberately by a user to share information on websites or social media.[5] While the term usually applies to a person, a digital footprint can also refer to a business, organization or corporation.[6] - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_footprint

Link to Teaching Resources

Seesaw Activity Link

Being Safe in Public 

Links to BE INTERNET SMART - Share with Care

Respectful Relationships 

Links to BE INTERNET KIND - It’s Cool to Be Kind

The Internet is a powerful amplifier that can be used to spread positivity or negativity. Kids can take the high road by applying the concept of “treat others as you would like to be treated” to their actions online, creating positive impact for others and disempowering bullying behavior.

Protection of self information

Links to BE INTERNET STRONG - Secure Your Secrets

Personal privacy and security are just as important online as they are offline. Safeguarding valuable information helps kids avoid damaging their devices, reputations, and relationships.