Scholarship Information

A scholarship database will be uploaded into the College and Career Advising Google classroom.

This database will house local, Regional and National Scholarships.

Types of Scholarships

Institutional Scholarships: These are automatic, (usually) renewable scholarships awarded by the university based on academic performance. Typically, students will only need to apply to the university and complete their FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) in order to qualify. The exception is departmental scholarships, which will have a separate application. Be mindful that most universities have a due date of December 1st for departmental scholarships.

Local Scholarships: These are scholarships unique to your high school or region. They will usually stack with institutional Scholarships, but may be a one-time scholarship. Be mindful of closing deadline and specific requirements. You have a really good chance and receiving these due to the award pool being much smaller.

National Scholarships: These are more difficult to receive, but not impossible, especially if you are willing to put in the work on your essay and resume. Again, be mindful of the requirments and deadlines.

Scholarship Websites: These are the most difficult to receive, especially the "no essay scholarships". Students should register for websites prior to their Senior year. For tips on scholarship website clearinghouses, see Mrs. Ortiz.

Local Scholarships

See Mrs. Ortiz for information on local and regional scholarships