The Grades 4 and 5 Math classes follow the same curriculum as that of the regular classroom, however, these classes move at a faster pace which allow students to embark on more challenging material as they deepen their understanding a knowledge through various mathematical concepts. Students are expected to follow expectations both in the classroom and for homework:

*Need to come to class prepared so that they do not interrupt their regular class's math lesson                                 *Work cooperatively in groups for discussions, projects and fast finisher activities                                                     *MUST explain work, in detail, when required on Summative Assessments by showing all problem-solving steps

*Complete THREE "Green Lights" for Homework between Friday and Thursday Night EACH week

*Complete 30 minutes of i-Ready each week

*When given, complete nightly homework AND log onto Google Classroom to correct homework when given

*Bring completed homework back to school for review and questions 

*Come to class excited to learn and ready to go!