Patricia Jobin, M.Ed 

Welcome Message

I have worked in the Londonderry School District for 26 years. I was a general education teacher for 6 years.  For the past 20 years I have been a special education teacher and case manager. I look forward to working with you and your student this school year. If you have any questions feel free to email me or call me! 

Contact Information

Patricia Jobin 

603-432-6937 x6516

Typical Daily Expectations

It is very important that children are set up for success! Help your student prepare for school each day. If they are old enough then they can do it themselves.  You can check that they have everything they need for the school day ahead.  

Each day students should: 

*Eat breakfast

*Make sure backpack is packed with the following items that will be needed for school each day: 

Supply List

This is the time of year when the sun sets earlier and there is less light in our days. You may notice that your student or even yourself is feeling more tired, sad, or even less motivited. Well, it is common for all of us to feel this way as we adjust to less light in our day. It may help to take 5 or 10 extra minutes outside in the daylight hours, take a 10 minute walk each day or do some other kind of exercise, and/or listen to music.  Take care of yourself! 

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

     The beginning of the school year is extremely important for establishing routines at home and at school. Since the first day of school, students have been learning classroom routines, hallway routines, and line up procedures. Students throughout the school need to learn new routines each school year.  

     Our school teaches positive behavioral expectations and supports. This system allows each school to create its own expectations and then states how to meet those expectations in each environment of the school. This helps guide students in learning how to act and what to do, and then staff acknowledges students with positive praise (verbally, with a sticker, etc.). When learning a new expectation staff shows students what it looks like and students practice this skill. 

Google Classroom 

Mrs. Jobin's Google Classroom Code: uxi7qzu 

Check out these resources: