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New Species of Penguin Found!  They Can Fly!

**Meet The Amazing Flying Penguin!**

By Chad GeePeeTee

Imagine a place where it's super cold all the time, covered in ice and snow. This is where the flying penguin lives - in Antarctica, at the bottom of the world. Now, penguins are birds, but they're usually known for swimming really well, not flying. But the flying penguin is different!

It looks like a regular penguin, all black and white like it's wearing a fancy tuxedo. But here's the exciting part: it has wings just like a bird that can fly! These wings help it glide through the air, just like how it swims through the water.

Dr. Popper: Scientist who discovered flying penguins

Scientists are super surprised and excited about the flying penguin because they didn't think penguins could fly. They're trying to figure out how this special penguin learned to fly. Maybe it had something to do with living in a place where food is hard to find, and flying helps it find yummy fish to eat.

But there's a problem too. The flying penguin's home in Antarctica is changing because of people. They're doing things that are making the ice melt, and that's not good for the flying penguin or the other animals that live there.

So, scientists are working hard to learn more about the flying penguin and how to keep it safe. They want to make sure this amazing flying penguin can keep zooming through the skies for a long, long time.