Vocational Schools

What is vocational training? Vocational training refers to instructional programs or courses that focus on the skills required for a particular job function or trade. In vocational training, the education prepares students for specific careers.

Below are Vocational School's located within the San Joaquin and Sacramento County areas.

Location:1024 East March Lane Stockton CA 95210 Phone: (209) 952-5318 Email: info@calcbc.com

Programs offered:





Programs offered:

Business Office Administration

Dental Assistant

Medical Assistant

Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning (HVAC)

Medical Office Specialist

Location: 4100 Duckhorn Drive, Sacramento, CA 95834Phone: 916-263-9100

Programs offered:


Collision Repair


Other campus locations also offer:

CNC Machining

Welding Training

Click here to view other campus locations

*If you have any other trade schools in mind, feel free to reach out to Ms. Singh and we can research it together to see if it is a great fit for you!