The Lodi Music Boosters are a volunteer organization of which all parents/guardians of Lodi Music Students (K-12) are members.

We encourage you to get involved by sharing your time and talent wherever possible to support music programs in Lodi. It is a great way to get to know staff, students, and other parents.

Interested? Please contact your student's music teacher for more info:

Lodi Music Faculty

High School
Kate MacRae - HS Choir - macraka@lodischoolswi.org
Doug Hoeft - HS Band - doughoeft@lodischoolswi.org

Middle School
Angela Roberts - LMS Choir -  roberan@lodischoolswi.org
Ashley Gulbranson - LMS Band - gulbras@lodischoolswi.org

Elementary & Primary School
Angela Roberts - Elementary School General Music - roberan@lodischoolswi.org
Nadia Eakins - OSC & Primary School General Music - eakinna@lodischoolswi.org