Social Studies & Business Department

Social Studies: Mission & Philosophy 

Business: Mission & Philosophy 

Mission: Social studies education provides learners with the knowledge, skills, and perspectives needed to become active, informed citizens and contributing members of local, state, national, and global communities in the digital age. (NJDOE, NJSLS) 

Mission: Career readiness, life literacies, and key skills education provides students with the necessary skills to make informed career and financial decisions, engage as responsible community members in a digital society, and to successfully meet the challenges and opportunities in an interconnected global economy  (NJDOE, NJSLS)

Philosophy: The curriculum of Lodi High School’s Social Studies department is designed create responsible citizens of our country and members of a global community. Educators establish a foundation of knowledge of both their history and that of the ever-changing world before them. 

Students learn fundamentals that will enable them to enter a complex society with a sense of wonder, a desire to explore, and an ability to make decisions. Students are presented a multi-sensory approach to their past in order to immerse themselves in the subject. An appreciation of the American heritage is developed along with an understanding of the traditions of the American way of life. It is essential to not only understand the past but to gain an appreciation of the differences that exist among people, while at the same time appreciating the interdependence that we all have with one another.

The curriculum allows students to study within an activity-based program. This approach is designed to stimulate a thirst for knowledge and understanding that will expand students; horizons throughout their education opportunities in the Lodi Schools. We feel that students learn best when they participate in active

Philosophy: The Business Education Department at Lodi High School offers students a curriculum designed to keep pace with the changing world of business and technology.  Our aim is to bring “real world” applications to the students by providing them with skills that will be utilized not only in future careers but also as a foundation for everyday life. 

Traditional business courses include Accounting, Business Law and Cooperative Work Study, while our computer courses include Business and Electronic Communications, Introduction to Information Technology, Multimedia and Web Design and our newest course, Introduction to Coding.  All courses use technology in one capacity or another and our software includes the full Microsoft Office Suite 2016,  Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Expression Web and the full Creative Cloud Suite from Adobe.  Our Introduction to Information Technology course offers students the chance to earn three college credits through a dual enrollment system from Bergen Community College. 

Our department faculty is committed to bringing the most up to date information to our students, preparing them for today and tomorrow’s world of business. Guest speakers, field trips, business clubs and competitions including the New Jersey High School Consumer Bowl give our students further experience in “real world” activities.