【教學分享】樂道中學英文科主任張慧珊老師及外籍老師Mr. Eric應邀分享「翻轉課室」教學設計分享

We are proud to share that Lock Tao Secondary School's English Panel Chair and Academic Development Team Vice-panel Chair, Ms. Cheung, and Native-speaking English Teacher (NET), Mr. Eric, were among the five chosen teachers to share their experience with the education community at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), one of the leading teaching education institutions in Hong Kong on 15 April 2023.

Ms. Cheung's and Mr. Eric's sessions aimed to foster the development of communities of practice among in-service teachers and student-teachers, and they shared their expertise on innovative teaching approaches and modern teaching tools that have helped their students achieve academic success.

As highly respected leaders in the field of education, Ms. Cheung and Mr. Eric's presentations at EdUHK were valuable contributions to the development of the wider education community in Hong Kong. We are proud of them for representing Lock Tao Secondary School at this important event and for sharing their knowledge and experience with other educators.

We would like to thank EdUHK for the opportunity to participate in this event and for their commitment to fostering the development of communities of practice among educators. We believe that events like this are essential for promoting collaboration and innovation in the field of education.

Once again, we congratulate Ms. Cheung and Mr. Eric on their successful sessions at EdUHK, and we look forward to continuing to support and encourage innovative teaching practices at Lock Tao Secondary School.