Suicide Prevention

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Call 1-800-273-8255

Available 24 hours every day


If you or any of your friends are feeling this way and have had thoughts of suicide, the most important thing to do is to talk immediately with an adult you trust. Sometimes friends tell us things in confidence and make us promise not to tell anyone else. You may have done this yourself. Secrets can take on a life of their own and become even more powerful because they’re private. Keeping the secret of suicide doesn’t help anyone—it can actually make things worse. Remember, “Friends Help Friends” – so when someone tells you something that worries you, make sure you tell a trusted adult right away.

Warning Signs and Red Flags if a student might be at risk for suicide

  • Expressing hopelessness about the future
  • Displaying severe/overwhelming pain or distress
  • Showing worrisome behavioral cues or marked changes in behavior, including: withdrawal from friends or changes in social activities; anger or hostility; or changes in sleep
  • Talking about, writing about, or making plans for suicide
  • Experiencing stressful situations including those that involve loss, change, create personal humiliation, or involve getting into trouble at home, in school or with the law. These kinds of situations can serve as triggers for suicide

If you notice any of these warning signs, you can help! 1. Express your concern about what you are observing in their behavior 2. Ask directly about suicide 3. Encourage them to call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) 4. Involve an adult they trust.

Remember, if you have IMMEDIATE concern about someone’s safety, call 911 right away!

Resources for Teens and Adults about teen suicide:

  • Suicide Prevention Lifeline: The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.
  • Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide: The mission of the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide is to reduce the number of youth suicides and attempted suicides by encouraging public awareness through the development and promotion of educational training programs. This website offers resources, videos, trainings, and other resources
  • Samaritans: Samaritans’ mission is to reduce the incidence of suicide by alleviating despair, isolation, distress and suicidal feelings among individuals in our community, 24 hours a day; to educate the public about suicide prevention; and to reduce the stigma associated with suicide. They accomplish this through services that emphasize confidential, non-judgmental, and compassionate listening.
  • Articles from the American Psychological Association: