Protest Art Exchange

Students from Lower Moreland High School in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania in the United States have exchanged artwork of protest with students from IES Las Salinas School in the city of Laguna de Duero in the province of Valladolid in Spain.

This exchange is a cross-cultural connection for our students to share ideas they are passionate about. This exchange will spread awareness further than our own school communities, in a unique partnership to support each other's artwork and messages.

10 pieces from Spain are hanging in the hallways of Lower Moreland High School, and 10 pieces from the US are hanging in the hallways of IES Las Salinas School. This site is a way for us to see them side-by-side and compare the issues that these teenagers, from different cultures, find important. It is interesting to see the overlap. Thank you for your open-mind, empathy, and feedback!