Sample Schedule

Sample Schedule

THIS. IS. NEW. For all us, especially our children. Children thrive off of having a predictable schedule. This is just an example of how you can structure learning at home. Please modify for what works for your family situation. The important thing to remember is to take breaks (parents too) after about 20-40 minutes of learning, even if it is just for 5 or 10 minutes. You may have noticed, first graders have lots of "wiggles". Get some fresh air. Go outside. Go Noodle is great for indoors. Play-based learning is also so important at this age. First graders do so much learning when working with blocks, Legos, creative play, walking in nature, digging in the dirt, puzzles, building a fort, helping to cook, and just being a kid!

7:30-8:00 Breakfast

8:00 Get Dressed/Teeth Brushed/Hair Brushed

8:30 Language Arts

9:00 Break Time (Legos, blocks, game, Bey Blades, cars, dolls, drawing...) NO TV!

9:20 Epic, Lexia or independent reading for 20 minutes

9:40-10:00 Snack/Break (Get outside if possible)

10:00 Math

10:30 Break

10:45 Writing (Journal, Letter to a family member, friend, essential worker..., Lists, Write a Song, How to...)

11:15 Lunch/Play Break

12:15 Science/Social Studies

12:45 Play/Family Time (Be a Kid)