Mrs. Demuth

Mrs. Demuth has been teaching at Murdock for 6 years in both 5th and 6th grade, but this is her 16 year in the LMSV school district. She lives in Spring Valley with her husband, 3 kids (Caden 13, Elisabeth 8, Jonathan 5) and chocolate lab Piper. Mrs. Demuth loves to visit Wyoming and recently started running again...well, let's be honest, very slow jogging. Lastly, she has a fondness for pigs and all things pigs.

Mrs. Lincoln

Ms. Lincoln has been teaching at Murdock for 10 years in both 5th and 6th grade, but this is her 31st year in the LMSV school district. She lives in La Mesa , all her kids are grown and live on their own. 4 kids (Dylan 29, Jake 28, Twin girls Molly and Sarah 24). Ms. Lincoln loves to visit her children up the coast and her family back East in New York. She walks every day 2-5 miles and does Yoga.