Room 6 Learning Center

Hi Boys and Girls of Room 6!

We miss you all so very much! Mrs. Loyce, Ms. K, Ms. Dana and I all love getting to see you at packet pick-up times and in our Zoom meetings! Please stay safe and we can't to see you all walk through the classroom door again.

Dear Parents,

This site was created both as a resource for you to help your child at home and a general information hub when it comes to my classroom. As we all know, every household and family has its own unique situation and needs. I do not want to add any more stress or anxiety. Just do what you can, when you can. If you child only does Lexia once a day and that's it- that is ok! The most important thing is that your family is healthy and safe and that the students stay connected with Maryland Ave. Some of my families are still working full time with no childcare other than their older children. Some have had to rely on grandparents for help, and still others have moved away to stay with family elsewhere. I can only imagine how difficult it is to be a teacher on top of being a parent and working. We at Maryland Avenue are here for you. Please reach out if you need anything. Thank you for all you are doing.

-Mrs. Spaun

"A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives."

-Jackie Robinson