Mrs. White's Kindergarten

Dear Boys and Girls of Room 12,

I miss you all sooo much! Even though we can't physically be together now, I think of you every day. Please stay safe and I can't wait until we can be together again.

Dear Parents,

This site is to give you resources to help your child at home. Every family situation is different and I do not want to cause more stress or anxiety. Do what you can. If all you can do is a couple pages out of the packet - then that is ok. The most important thing is that your family is healthy and safe and that the students stay connected with Maryland Ave. Please be patient with yourself. Know that what you are doing is enough. I know some of you are working long hours from home, or some of you are an essential worker and have had to work everyday since this all began. It is incredibly difficult to work full time, be a parent, and then be the teacher too. Thank you for all that you are doing. I am here for you.

Suggested Times

  • Raz Kids or Epic 20 min.

  • Lexia 30 min.

  • Happy Numbers 20 min.

  • Exercise - 30 minutes

  • Journal Writing - 30 minutes 3 times a week

  • Sight Words Flashcards - 3 times a week

  • Number recognition Flashcards - once a week

  • Kinder Phonics Lesson - 2 times a week

  • Supplemental Packet Work 20 min.

Sample Daily Schedule

Monday: Raz Kids, Lexia, watch Kinder Phonics video lesson, writing, Happy Numbers, couple of pages of packet work

Tuesday: Epic, Lexia, sight words video, Happy Numbers, couple of pages of packet work

Wednesday: Raz Kids, Lexia, Kinder Phonics video lesson, writing, Happy Numbers, couple of pages of packet work

Thursday: Epic, Lexia, sight words video, Happy Numbers, couple of pages of packet work

Friday: Raz Kids, Lexia, writing, Happy Numbers, couple of pages of packet work

Extras: ABC Mouse, Math Songs, CVC games etc.