A-Z Club Directory

Anime Club

Meeting Information: Wednesdays 3:15-4:30 in Room 104

Sponsors: Mrs. Pops

Club Email: poplawc@lmsd.org

Activity Summary: Love Anime? Then this club is for you. Anime club meets weekly to draw, watch, and discuss anime. Students in all grades are welcome, listen to the announcements for more information.

Art Club

Meeting Information: Tuesday Mornings 7:00-7:50

Sponsors: Mrs. Pops

Club Website: poplawc@lmsd.org

Activity Summary: Explore and create different types of artwork. Listen to the announcements for the start date.

BC Applause

Meeting Information: After School- Days and Times Vary

Sponsors: Mrs. Knight

Club Website: BCapplause.com

Activity Summary: In addition to the Fall Play and Winter Musical, students learn about theatre and themselves. Students in all grades are welcome to join. Not into acting on stage? No problem- there are tons of opportunities to participate behind the scenes on the Stage Crew, Tech Crew or Costume Crew.


Meeting Information: Daily during LEARN in the BCTV Studio

Sponsors: Mrs. Hemberger and Mr. Zickler

Daily Announcements: Missed them in the morning? Read the announcements on the BCMS website

Activity Summary: BCTV members direct, announce and record the daily announcements. Do you enjoy sharing school events with the entire student body? Interested in learning about operating TV recording technology? Then BCTV is for you. Membership is audition only- auditions are held every spring for the following year.

Best Buddies

Meeting Information: Meetings during LEARN, days vary

Sponsors: Mrs. Laird, Mrs. Wiley, Mr. O'Brien

Club Website: Best Buddies Blackboard

Activity Summary: Friendship and alliance with students who have intellectual disabilities. Meet new friends, play games, and have fun!


Meeting Information: TBD

Sponsors: TBD

Club Website: TBD

Activity Summary: BuildON's mission is to break the cycle of poverty, illiteracy, and low expectations through service and education. BuildOn members participate in service projects and fundraising efforts in the community.

Creative Writing Club

Meeting Information: After School Dates TBD

Sponsors: Dr. Nichols and Mrs. Rullo

Club email: nicholr@lmsd.org rullom@lmsd.org

Activity Summary: Love to write stories, poems, and creative pieces? This club is open to students in all grades to grow and expand their creative writing skills. Watch announcements for information or stop in room 202

Cheerleading Club

Meeting Information: Spring only. After school dates TBD

Sponsors: Mrs. Wake and Ms. Ferber

Club email: WakeN@lmsd.org FerberR@lmsd.org

Activity Summary: Learn cheer fundamentals, have fun and meet new friends.

Environmental Action Club

Meeting Information: After School- Day TBD

Sponsors: Dr. Ekert

Club email: EkertJ@lmsd.org

Activity Summary: Are you concerned about climate change and motivated to take action? In the environmental action club, we learn and raise awareness about environmental issues in our community and the world. Together we can take action that makes a real difference. Activities might include learning from guest speakers, raising awareness at BCMS, writing letters, and lobbying elected officials, depending on student interest.

Geekery/Gaming Club

Meeting Information: TBD

Sponsors: Mx. Gagliardi

Club Website: gagliad@lmsd.org

Activity Summary: Focusing on "geek" topics, we will be talking TTRPG, LARP, cos-play, miniature modeling and painting, as well as TV and Movies that focus on fantasy and science-fiction. If you have passions, we have a place to talk about them.

GSA The All Gender and Sexualities Alliance

Meeting Information: Tuesdays 3:30-4:30 in Room 109

Sponsors: Ms. Moser and Dr. Nichols

Club Website: BCMS GSA Blackboard

Activity Summary: GSA is open to all students at BCMS. At GSA we discuss issues affecting the LGBTQ+ community, participate in games, crafts and activities and make friends. You do not need to be LGBTQ+ to join GSA.

Intramural Basketball

Meeting Information: MWF 7:15-7:45

Sponsors: Mrs. Pops

Club Website: poplawc@lmsd.org

Activity Summary: Open to 6th graders only. Intramural play before school in the large gym from 7:15-7:45. Listen to the announcements for more information.

Intramural Games and Sports

Meeting Information: After school in 2-3 week sessions. Dates TBD

Sponsors: Vary

Club Website: none

Activity Summary: Open to all grades, participate in different sports, games and activities. Flag football, ping-pong, volleyball, are just a few examples. Most activities run for two weeks after school. More information about the current and upcoming sessions will be shared through the announcements.

The Knight- BCMS Newspaper Club

Meeting Information: Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 in room 109

Sponsors: Ms. Moser

Club Website: The Knight Newspaper Blackboard

Activity Summary: The Knight is open to students in all grades. Write about school events- articles are published to the entire student body. Sports reporters, tech writers, comic artists, editors, investigators, are just a few options. This paper is student led- make your voice heard- join the Knight!

Knightlife- Literary/Art Magazine

Meeting Information: Begins Second Semester

Sponsors: Dr. Nichols

Club Website: nicholr@lmsd.org

Activity Summary: Art, poetry and short stories. Read, write, curate the BC Literary Magazine. Watch announcements for information or stop in room 202

Math Club

Meeting Information: Biweekly Time TBD

Sponsors: Mrs. Browne

Club Email: BrowneS@lmsd.org

Activity Summary:

Model United Nations (BCMUN)

Meeting Information: October-March Dates Vary

Sponsors: Mr. Lloyd, Mrs. McFarland, Dr. Lee and Mrs. Healy

Club Website: BCMUN Blackboard

Activity Summary: Learn about global issues, debate and propose solutions. Attend MUN Conferences online and in person, in Boston, Philadelphia, Washington DC and/or New York. BCMUN Change the World!


Meeting Information: Dates Vary

Sponsors: Mrs. Browne, Mrs. Hadi, Dr. Lee, Mr. Butler

Club Website: REACH Blackboard

Activity Summary: Celebrate and recognize Black Excellence. Opportunities to learn, serve as an advocate and become a strong leader.

Reading Olympics

Meeting Information: Monthly \TBD

Sponsors: Mx. Gagliardi

Club Website: Library Blackboard

Activity Summary: Reading Olympics allows you to read from a curated list of books and then show off your knowledge in a team competition. All Montgomery County Reading Olympics events may be virtual this year, but that doesn’t mean that wins don’t count!

Science Olympiad

Meeting Information: After school beginning in October

Sponsors: Mr. Cook, Dr. Brletich, Dr. Willis, Mrs. McKinney

Club Website: https://sites.google.com/lmsd.org/bcms-science-olympiad/home

Activity Summary: Are you interested in science or technology? Want to learn more and compete against other school teams? Then Science Olympiad is for you. This club is open to all grades. See website and listen to the announcements for more information.

School Store

Meeting Information: Before and After School Dates TBD

Sponsors: Mrs. Price Health/PE Teacher

Club Website: priced@lmsd.org

Activity Summary: The BCMS School Store is located in the cafeteria and sells snacks, school supplies and BCMS merch. Club members staff the store- open to all grades.

Student Council

Meeting Information: After school day TBD

Sponsors: Mrs. Groen and Mrs. Morrison

Club Website: Student Council Bb

Activity Summary: Leadership and service combine to make BCMS the best middle school ever. Plan school events and participate in school government.

Technology Student Association (TSA)

Meeting Information: Starts in October; bi-monthly meetings; weekly open shops (full calendar on TSA BB)

Sponsors: Dr. Lapinski, Mr. Hughes, Ms. Epting, Mr. Denning

Club Website: TSA Blackboard

Activity Summary: Open to all grades; individual and collaborative STEM projects; opportunities to travel and compete against other students locally, state-wide, and nationally

Yearbook Club

Meeting Information: After School Dates TBD

Sponsors: Mrs. Rullo

Club Website: rullom@lmsd.org

Activity Summary: Help document school events year round and use graphic design to make the yearbook. Like to take pictures and attend games, activities, and student events? Then the yearbook needs you!


Meeting Information: Tuesdays beginning in October 3:15-4:30

Sponsors: Mrs. Troilo

Club Website: TroiloC@lmsd.org

Activity Summary: Are you interested in learning more about yoga? Join the Yoga club!! Come learn about yoga and practice yoga together!

Tuesdays 3:15-4:30pm; location TBD.

Yoga club will begin in October.