
Music & Movement

Music & Movement stimulates development and growth. Children enjoy singing, dancing, playing instruments, and learning about rhythm and patterns.

Musical activities encourage the body’s urge to move, the brain’s attention to patterns, the ear’s lead in initiating communication, the voice’s response to sounds, as well as the eye-hand coordination associated with playing musical instruments.


Weekly Chapel is provided for the 3's and 4's. Walnut Hill pastoral staff offer an age appropriate children’s liturgy that is approximately 15 -20 minutes long.

Each month features a specific theme of spiritual formation. Two or three songs are used repeatedly throughout the month so the children learn them well. Also, birthdays are recognized during chapel with a "Birthday Blessing” at the end of the service.


Once a week the children will attend library and check out a book from the Creative School. The librarian selects and shares a story with each class.

Children work on listening skills, remembering story sequences, recognizing rhymes, learning patterns and vocabulary acquisition. Most importantly they learn to love stories and books.

Extended Day

This is an optional program that runs from noon to 2:00 pm. The curriculum includes child-directed center time, free art expression, story time, and outside play.

Children will need to bring a healthy nut-free lunch and beverage (preferably water).