Helpful Information

Parent/Guardian Resources

As we transition back to school during this challenging time through distance learning, we are committed to providing our students a space dedicated to their well-being. This site was created with the intent that students, their families, and staff can freely explore topics such as mindfulness, honesty, conflict-resolution, resiliency, and more. Please stay healthy and safer at home.

At the top of the page is a students section icon, please have your student click on this section to view resources and materials made just for them.

Basic Needs (Shelter, Clothing, Food, Etc.)

Please contact me if you need more resources with food, shelter, clothing, technology, etc.

Distance Learning Management

Click on the links below to access different resources and activities on distance learning.

Parenting Resources

Additional articles for parents mental health and stress management

If you, your student, or someone you know is experiencing thoughts of harming themselves, please call the national suicide prevention lifeline or go to for more information and resources. If you feel there is an immediate danger call 911.