What other library tools are available to you?

Our public library system has many option like Overdrive, RB Digital Magazines, BookFlix, Beanstack & more.

Apply for digital card in the top left corner if needed.

Overdrive How To.pdf

Sno-Isle Library Apps

  • Libby = ebooks and audiobooks (great for phones & tablets!)

  • Overdrive = ebooks and audiobooks (compatible w/ Chromebooks!)

  • Hoopla = graphic novels, movies, TV shows, comics

  • RB Digital = magazines

How to access the apps:

If you already have a library card, make sure to use the apps (detailed below) so you can access ebooks, audiobooks, graphic novels, magazines, movies, shows, and more while you are at home. To login to the apps, use the following:

Username = library card # Password = last four digits of phone #

If you do not have a library card, go to www.sno-isle.org. At the top left of the screen click GET A LIBRARY CARD. On the next page click BEGIN NEW CUSTOMER REGISTRATION. Fill out the form to get a temporary library card number. This will grant you access to all of the Sno-Isle apps!