Teacher Resources

List of things I could not have lived without

MATT SANDERS reflective Resources

Virtual Field Trips



Julia's Jamboards

Mrs. Parks 


Explore by the Seat of My Pants

JOE The Body Coach

Yoga with Adrienne



Pinna FM

MINECRAFT EDU (create together online)

SHARED DRIVE (ask to be added if you are LKDSB)

🛑Teachers don't forget to change your phone so it does not display your number. On the iphone go to Settings -scroll down to phone look for show my caller ID and click it off.

Intro to Virtual Learning

If it can go wrong it will... Have a plan for when the wifi drops you and or the students. Have a solid plan but don’t expect to actually follow it. 


I added an image of what my day looks like above. 

I log in an hour before class starts  (you want to see the lock at the bottom at the Google Meet)

Here is a quick tour of Google Meet

at 8:20 I use Google Slides for my Dayplan  and just add links to any lessons or docs I need . I present a silent online timer before class starts

Here is a timer I like but you can find lots on Youtube just google timers. 

Sometimes I chat with students here as they log on….sometimes they just chat and catch up with each other 10 mins before class I play CNN 10 news or CBC kids. At 8:50 I start the day and I do attendance,announcements and morning meet.


I put a timer on my phone for every morning and afternoon to remind me so automatic phone calls don’t go out. 

I post a multiple choice attendance question in the classroom. I use this as a mental wellness check in as well. I only read out the names of the students who are not there. If kids show up late they have to tell me or their classmates do, with 35 kids I may not notice their icon appear. You can also assign digital classroom jobs.

You can do attendance in Aspen but need to email your secretary if a student shows up late. We also do attendance in the afternoon. 

🔗ANNOUNCEMENTS- Click here for some ideas

Morning Meet 

Here is an example of a Morning meet, we use this time for community building  sharing the schedule and planning our day.

MY SCHEDULE (yours will align with your bell time likely)

Then I display the schedule 

We discuss...they let me know what they need time for here is where they make requests etc…

They want routine and they want breaks to occur on time.

SUBJECT OF YOUR CHOICE…..I intro teach etc…. Then I give them time to work. They look at the task and tell me how long they think they need. 5 mins/10mins/20mins…..I never go longer...I check back in if they need more time I am happy to give it but often I just want them to dig in and make sure they understand the task. They can always finish during ASYNC but here is where you will find out about tech issues such as doc sharing etc...

I added lots of links to various subject ideas in the shared drive as well as on this website

BREAKS (I present a timer here) I ask the kids to leave...stretch, get water, go to the bathroom….they want recess with each other and to play among us etc...that is up to them. I don't monitor recess….you need to stretch to….this is sooo important you will get headaches, vertigo, neck pain...I totally buy into blue light glasses. I sent an email to parents early on saying I would not be monitoring recess they might want to check in on their kids etc…

When kids get back I ask them to check in via chat so I know they are back.

Here is a link to that slide feel free to steal and add in your own bitmoji. I got this from Ester Park who has lots of great stuff.

At the end of the day I do a sign off question 


I hang out online, answer questions etc… some kids like to stay on and work...some log off, go outside and catch some sunlight and come back at a time of their choosing… 

I use this time to connect one on one with students who might not be comfortable asking questions in the classroom. 

PREP I recommend your French teacher having their own Google meet. Otherwise you will have control of their google meet and they will need you for muting and presenting etc….(refer back to google meet)

Google Meet

Quick overall tour link

Log in an hour before the students to make sure you have control of the meet.(click link to see video)

If you are using google classroom you can use the meet code in your classroom banner you can also change this if needed. 

If you want to generate a meet code you can use over and over to make it in your calendar. If you need a quick meet you can create a code i.e. I usually have a "helpdent" room going during work periods so kids can stay in class but also pop over for some group help or one on one conference. 

I have also had a bunch of questions about breakout rooms. Start with just 2 and build up. Here is a quick guide.

Here is a more detailed blog post with all of the info.

I use flippity for generating quick student groups using random name picker it has been a life saver.

Want to learn more about Google Meet? Check out tech tips. Or email me with questions and I will add more videos as needed

🕺MOVE!!! - It is essential that both you and your students remember to move and take screen breaks. Stand up stretch drink water and go outside and take a breath. When I started in September I was doing 12-18 hours staring at a screen. Neck,back,butt ,vertigo,headaches, weight gain, sleep disruption...the list continues. Please take care of yourselves...ideas and links are in the Remote Learning Resource shared drive.(Email me if you need to be added)

Daily Physical Activity: NETFLEX