
FREE online textbooks and resources from Nelson.

Topics include Geography, History, Science, Math & Literacy

For grades 4-8

Username: ontario48

Password: NelsonON123

For grades 9-12

Username: on912

Password: NelsonON123

Pearson offers free resources for staff and students during this pandemic. Check out their wide range of resources here.

Game-based math learning site for Ontario curriculum. Get started on Knowledgehook:

Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Enter your class code...
Grade 9 Applied: tin7793
Grade 9 Academic: lob3484
Grade 10 Applied: soy6548
Grade 10 Academic: boot9646
Step 3: Create an account by entering your name and creating a password.
Step 4: Get started! Click on All Skills at the bottom of the page. Then you can work through the different topics from the course.

The University of Waterloo's interactive math library contains a complete set of lessons for the following courses:

Ministry e-Learning Math websites

Teacher Generated Instructional Videos

Free 1:1 online Grade 6-10 math tutoring with Ontario Certified Teachers! Tutors will be available Monday-Friday 9am to 9pm and Sunday 3:30pm to 9pm!