Indigenous Studies

NFB Films produce a variety of indigenous-made films - documentaries, animations, alternative dramas and much more

4 Seasons of Reconciliation is a transformative multimedia learning resource that features a self-directed project for students that promotes a renewed relationship between Indigenous Peoples and Canadians

Film: Trick or Treaty?

Trick or Treaty, a documentary by Alanis Obomsawin. This documentary “powerfully portrays one community’s attempts to enforce their treaty rights and protect their lands, while also revealing the complexities of contemporary treaty agreements.”

Wilton Littlechild: Truth and Reconciliation. Lesson plans that allow students to explore the residential school system and the meaning of truth and reconciliation

For use with NBE 3U/C, NDW 4M & NDA 3M

Treaties: The History of Canada We Didn’t Learn in Schools. This online presentation gives students an overview of the history of treaties in Canada